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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. It’s a post in response to him having financial interests elsewhere ? Which is a conflict of interests ? And is the same with other govt ministers which has been discussed at other points on this thread
  2. Where’s the post you object to … excuse the pun … I’m lost
  3. Would have been the same response for any of them … he’s not singled out in any way
  4. First speech … I will provide honesty and integrity at every level … sunak … he’s providing none of those and he’s supposed to set the example as leader of his party and PM
  5. Oh I agree … but plenty of failings of govt . That lead to that being able to be possible . Prisons are another service in crisis … no hope of rehab whatsoever
  6. Notice how the prisoner escape becomes less and less down to the govt … blame being put on the guards and others …
  7. I’m probably similar in a way … I think we all have different posting styles . From my dms I sent I appreciate some of the efforts people have made to make this thread more pleasant . Discussion has been great the last 24 hours and I’d love to not have to interveen
  8. Quick bump on this … tonight I’ve still got them … just need an email adress and I can send them across
  9. Get some hate on here but I’d quite enjoy them as an opener … mid afternoon on pyramid might work too
  10. Completely unfit … aches and pains everywhere… back , legs , groin wonder which relate to my potential hernia … will hopefully find out more after my ultra sound tomoro .
  11. We are truely f**ked with the climate stuff … I’m off to live on the moon … I find it utterly bizzare people denying this sh*t is occurring. What an absolute mess
  12. money / opportunity ..... direct correlation
  13. Pincher and Dorries by elections might be the same day
  14. yeah that's understandable , its hard enough changing dentists without having to manage other medical needs
  15. is that a firm decision made ? where are you planning on going ?
  16. virtual meet weekend with tday coming close ... virtual meet will be on Sat at 8 ish ... all welcome as always ... come and make some new friends and potential gig buddies ... wide range of topics covered , any questions please ask if you've no idea what this thread is ?
  17. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    do you have a sauce for this ?
  18. just found this https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/opendemocracyuk/john-smith-and-path-britain-did-not-take/
  19. I reckon John Smith would have been higher had he not died
  20. I’ve got a car to wash … sunsets and sunrises are stunning though I’m tempted by a walk on the farm
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