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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. one use of the Glastonbury bags
  2. massively underfunded too id imagine as they all seem to be
  3. looking at it many councils both Tory and labour are chronically short of money ....surely the issue is from the top ? if it was purely down to bad management it wouldn't as many ... councils have been cutting services for years ...
  4. wonder how much of this we will get ?
  5. you could also ask why they haven't bothered in the years up till now ... if it were ever a possibility ?
  6. Not the kind of concrete plans I’d expect from Labour
  7. Crazyfool01


    not sure the timing of this but it was the webcam at 5.35 am
  8. @Gnomicide we must be getting into sale announcement territory … I saw on the Glasto thingy we get a fair few of them around the 17th … but can’t find that post now
  9. Resale group 5 … think that needs renaming now we are back at square 1
  10. happy anniversary ... I did look out for you
  11. hopefully see you back next year
  12. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    Amazed it took this long
  13. cheers .. that's down to friends 🙂 hope you enjoyed it
  14. Well that was a fun night and how great to be back on the farm again … only really got in for Arlo Parks who had an incredible voice so will investigate this further , hopefully with a more attentive audience than the ones around me . Well what can I say about the Streets … really great fun set and a little overwhelmed with the mentions of my hat … pointed out in the crowd and told to stay where I was … my mates and the people around me insisted I go to the front … the crowd let me through … I got there and Mike skinner sent me back said he would come to me again …. Busting for a piss at this point I really had to stay and sure enough during the last song he came to me and a mosh pit started … I’ve never moshed before and let alone with a pyramid on my head absolute madness . Great to meet some of you from the forum as ever and thanks to everyone who helps at these events . One very happy and hungover crazyfool today . Oh and eat the farm burger was lovely too ( veggie options available ) 5f0e0016-6a38-4b33-9bd9-eae17af263fb.mp4 91eba300-87b1-4199-ae1c-938e1980b509.mp4
  15. Hopefully it will aid me finding out if they’ve got a slot next year .. 😂
  16. just for clarity .... I just like my meat , and ive no objection to dance music or any other ... variety is the name of the game and I think they do a damn good job tbh
  17. probably best to dm him direct ... hasn't been online for a few days @Neil are you still helping out ? any idea ? edit scrap that Neils replied above
  18. Looks dry … anyone thinking any different? and I love saying this … see you on the farm 🙂 come say hello
  19. It’s easy enough to lose mates let alone kids
  20. Actually ive quite enjoyed the last 6 hours or so of civil discussion ... makes this thread almost pleasurable to be part of
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