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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Dont get the hate for either tbh ... dont like em thats fair but so many alternatives out there to enjoy , negativity is mad while you can see that 1000s of others are enjoying them .... not sure accurate numbers but arent there 100 plus headliners , plus other randoms .
  2. What an absolute belter of a race … best one ever ? Not sure I can think of a better one but then I’m forgetful . Fair play to Lewis
  3. Just a quick dip back in … what a f**king great week or so that’s been … Lib Dem MP locally with a stonking 12k majority , sadly the timing went to sh*t so couldn’t help but did have a stake board … song sung by Chris Martin to me and I’m really quite optimistic about the adult start the new Labour govt have made . Things may not be entirely perfect but that’s always going to be the way of things a 12/10 week
  4. I was hoping on the maybe wording early on untill the free press confirm … ah well such is life 🙂
  5. Would absolutely welcome some help . Thanks for the above . Load share would take a massive burden off me from a personal point of view . Thanks if anyone happens to be interested in helping
  6. Because they don’t want to pass illness onto others especially old and vulnerable ?
  7. So no reason really to change back … that money gathers interest in see coffers doesn’t it ? They’d have changed back 1 year earlier if the financials were impacted in terms of interest gathering
  8. Did we ever work out why they moved to nov sale ? Second year of that this year wasn’t it ? So I’d say that should continue
  9. Ah crap would have had my 50th birthday onsite potentially… will probably have a foreign holiday if I’m able to persuade any mates … difficulty being that mates are able to get a few days away from partners for Glastonbury but doubt they’d be so accommodating for a foreign holiday . I’ve had many birthdays onsite over the years so will count my blessings
  10. Thanks 🙂 the rollercoaster of rollercoasters 😀
  11. Totally agree such fun
  12. For me the later is the priority to sort not the former . You can’t really know if the capacity is too high while people still get in en mass through other means … I don’t personally blame those that try . It’s the enablers and the system that are at fault .there were obviously some steps to cut down on this and I’d imagine that’s just the start . Thought we’d get the QR bands by now but maybe that will come after fallow now
  13. Crew and stewards do send out detailed responses one of my friends has given 4 pages of feedback . Every year they respond to stuff … the reason faithless got moved from glade . They also very much take feedback from sites such as this . They have crowd monitoring on cctv and by drones also
  14. Ah really didn’t know that was a symptom … trying to figure out if this was from a prior ear problem or covid now 😂
  15. Ordered some bits for a new hat …. Think I’m going to keep the current one and not recycle too much from it …. Can build the basis of it and then start theming once we get a headliner … although maybe it might not be headliner themed this year . Will book time off later
  16. so tested positive on sunday ... dont feel so bad but that combined with bells im taking a few days off work for recovery and havent really felt up to modding or efest this past week and wont be till im better , fortunately symptoms do seem to be easing on the bells , my eye is now almost able to fully close but my smile still drooping slightly .... will get there
  17. So a bit of a story … in lonely hearts one night this girl approaches me and says she knew me from Efest but she was absolutely hammered and self professed she was mashed , she then hit the deck and when she got up staggered into the dark . Some girls nearby then started waving her shoe about and looking for her … I told them I’d try and contact her and put the shoe in my bag . Bumped into her at the end of the set and she had both shoes on and I’d been carrying a random persons shoe around for the set ffs . No cinderella story sadly 😂.... if you are reading and have any recollection of this feel free to say hi 🙂
  18. Crazyfool01


    MOD incorrect ... ive suggested people report any posts that dont fit with the forum guidelines and posts will be looked at appropriately by the mod team . Any reports will be dealt with in a way deemed appropriate which we will look into that in a discussion form amongst the team
  19. christ no 😞 will pass in a day or two fortunately if I am ... until next year
  20. im yet to spot a celebrity 🙂
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