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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. @Ozanne what's a bad faith actor ? you keep mentioning it ive not a clue what you mean ?
  2. its hard to name one massive infrastructure project that's been delivered either on time or on budget ..... take Hinkley or the the channel tunnel .... but who would get the blame ? the govt that started the project ? surely many of these take place over several parliaments ? .... we just don't seem to be as efficient at delivering them ? edit was the millennium dome on time ?
  3. See above … definately an outside stage
  4. 2 tickets for vlure at future yard , Birkenhead , tonight . FREE posting for a mate ….
  5. Yeah I agree ..: not sure of their reach though beyond twitter
  6. Very good by them … their stuff is superb
  7. Lovely fella runs that account he always comes and says hello … would think it would be showing on the webcam if there was one ? Or would go up today . Although @JoeyT is usually spot on with info
  8. Calling @Sawdusty surfer I’m sure it was him that told me ?
  9. Wait till you hear the big tree in the pyramid field is sadly suffering ash dieback
  10. Absolutely correct it doesn’t and has been dealt with
  11. one wasn't .... it was pulled over by a tractor before the festival while caught up by a muck spreading hose I think , before this years festival
  12. yep that's good I think 🙂 still hope its dry though 🙂
  13. Govt can't stop the boats so they stopped the planes instead
  14. Certainly seemed to be some clamping down on the extras tickets … although I’m not sure how they could make it totally secure with a perimeter the size it is and a very large workforce and security
  15. High pressure coming in on sat … rain Friday currently … just needs to shift slightly
  16. is that from what you've seen discussed on here ? it won't be the spider so is that a lot that you talk of ?
  17. Arcadia very likely to get a revamp , Think they will stick with carhenge as it is ...... whatever was / is missing from the Williams green might go elsewhere ? western side of site id like them to change that vast camping hospitality area outside woodsies but don't actually see it happening because that's the route they seem to be taking now , more hospitality and more pre erected .... would think silver Hayes will continue to improve maybe another new stage
  18. they aren't coming down .... just not rising as fast
  19. At last some interest 🙂
  20. Bit of a mess really I’m sure they don’t have to go that far … it’s the best opportunity not to with the state the Tory party are in
  21. Or evidence the party’s are moving closer together ?
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