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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. you reenter and show ticket and pass out .... so doesn't work
  2. her intelligence will mean she's a big loss
  3. fair point .... I reckon she's been writing and re writing that letter ever since
  4. I mean he's achieved nothing but the hypocrisy in that statement is astounding when she's been awol
  5. At long bloody last … look forward to that by election result
  6. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    im not sure of it either but a rare opportunity to get a mention of it in a headliner. thread that couldn't be missed 🙂
  7. Inappropriate behaviour take a break and reflect .
  8. Anchor it outside the Houses of Parliament would save an absolute fortune on expenses claims
  9. I just think the Labour Party should have a massive dossier on the Torys right now .... They are showing they aren't capable of absolutely anything ..... even having a boat to keep the migrants in they somehow managed to screw that up so they are pleasing no one ( I don't agree with the boat thing by the way ) its just an example
  10. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    yeah Noel sold out vivary park in Taunton last night !! 🙂
  11. I think we may well see some big majorities overturned this time .
  12. those safe seats aren't quite as safe as they once were .... I think ive voted green in the euro elections ? did that have some form of PR ? apart from that is Lib Dem here as we switch between them and the Torys
  13. Ok I’ll reword that … they’ve become more similar
  14. there would be some extreme politics no doubt . isn't perfect but maybe wed get better outcomes and more green mps for starters as that becomes a huge feature of the future
  15. because its relevant to the discussion ..... if we had PR then votes would likely go elsewhere other than to the 2 main parties which matiloy talks about as they become similar
  16. not sure its unique to the far left tbh .... are you in favour of PR out of interest ?
  17. bit like this thread from the centre ground ? its hardly a left wing trait
  18. as a result of a post on efests ? much as we try im not sure how much further this thread reaches 🙂
  19. hey steady we don't have PR so there is no alternative ..... who are you referring to ?
  20. strikes me as fairly simple .... employ people to clear it .... might take a bit of time with training etc but yep its totally achievable and once done can be shown as a win for Labour
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