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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. interesting ... how do you plan on waterproofing them ?
  2. Crazyfool01


    cows very much out and about .... mooching around the pyramid arena
  3. ive also donated ... this is pretty amazing stuff Neil giving something amazing back to a charity which has helped you and will no doubt help many others on a road to recovery , as Neil will no doubt testify you have no idea when it might be you , or a family member that suffers similar hopefully people donating a few quid will help others get to a better place like Neil has managed , good luck and keep going on the path Neil
  4. So delete the lefties yeah that is the opposite to inviting open discussion which you are a such a prominent campaigner of …. Hopefully the standards come in soon there was some improvement I’d noticed until today and nearly everyone I’d engaged with had actually done as I requested which I appreciate so thanks if anyone wants to continue arguing I’d suggest they go down the local park and some need to take a close look at their own behaviours before lashing out at others . So Ozanne , fray and Stevie ( until today ) thanks for the attempts . Night kids
  5. Yep agree but would they have come anyway … who knows . And this current govt wouldn’t have used it to make lives better …. Other ones might have
  6. Those aliens won’t let us cross their borders …
  7. you are probably right proportionally ... its still a shed load of money though and yeah maybe the harsh environment thing will help to .... guess we will be testing it out fairly soon
  8. I think there's just too many things now .... something will get him and he will be appalling in court
  9. offered them already he was going to take them but can't now make it
  10. can't figure this obsession with space exploration .... we need to learn to look after our own planet , its not like we will be jumping planets once this one is destroyed ... although they've done some useful experiments in Space haven't they ?
  11. maybe they can get a few billion back from all the tory scandals .... mone etc , obviously some EU stuff think I saw that the annual loss was 100 billion ? so much for the bus promise
  12. October Drift sept 8th , future yard Birkenhead … 2 tickets free ( lottery tour ) so you will need a lottery ticket or scratch card . Had hoped to combine a visit to Liverpool with a game but it’s the international break so doesn’t make the trip worthwhile sadly amazing energy these lads . Dm me
  13. will he make the next one ? yes or no ?
  14. or trying to influence moderators in one way or another and that is a post doing exactly that . the rules are pretty clear and not put in place to stop Barry , they are in use in other forums anyway lets see what Iggy says
  15. its just a proposed thing at this stage ... hopefully to make things clear across the forums which should definitely make things more pleasant for other users to post on here and open it up to a variety of views
  16. no but im not sure he'd be here either ... will take some getting used to and Iggy will need to look and add his slant
  17. lets see 🙂 I think under them I should still be able to participate
  18. they will be . it makes things clearer and easier , with no conflict over what's a transgression and what isn't
  19. there wouldn't be many left on here maybe what it needs an will make moderation easier
  20. just forwarded some rules from other forums to Iggy
  21. think you've got them 🙂 I thought about it but think someone could do them more justice than me .... I saw an amazing design of a jacket I think on twitter
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