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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Crazyfool01


    I've asked for it to be stationed there so I can avoid the drinks limits 🙂
  2. well I kind of had ... its on my stomach and is a bit of a lopsided lump ... think my friend pointing it out gave me a nudge although I probably should have seen the GP a bit sooner tbh
  3. I've actually not been on it yet so personally I hope to .... but each year there are plenty of first timers , we often get complaints about things that aren't stages on here , but horses for courses in my opinion not everything needs to be in the same style , maybe id not be excited no but I love the creative aspects and love to see them
  4. yeah fair and thanks just a bit awkward with my job with some heavy lifting so fingers crossed it doesn't get worse ... let me know the wait when you get it in terms of time and ill race you to the operating table 🙂 ... mine was first noticed by a mate at Glastonbury and being a bloke you know ... it got delayed me booking the appointment
  5. yep 3 weeks to get the GP appointment , a further 4 to get my ultrasound scan and the scans were initially full 😞 ....
  6. blamed on covid ? I posted the article where it shows that it's a trigger .... we've moved on but surely accepting it causes issues for peoples health is part of that ? or are you in denial ? or would it be better if if were called post viral something ? if you are susceptible then covid seems to bring out various weaknesses in peoples health .
  7. Nz is absolutely stunning … I’d probably jump at the chance if I could these days . Amazing place if not a little behind the times it felt 🙂 spent 9 months there in 09 travelling and fruit picking … don’t know if we can still get visas for that stuff 🤔. Anyone thinking about visiting I’d definately do it with very varied landscapes over relatively short distances .
  8. The nhs is f**ked because of 13 years of Tory rule … it actually functioned under Labour and the waiting lists dropped . Now they pay huge amounts to agency staff who worked in the nhs previously and have left because they get better pay elsewhere . Just pay them what they deserve starting with the lower end so they don’t need to use foodbanks . I will absolutely avoid the private sector until my need becomes desperate and then it will be through gritted teeth . With better technology now healthcare should be improving and yet life expectancy in the U.K. has dropped . Nhs dentistry is a mess you can’t find one as an adult anywhere and if you move then you need to stick with old dentist again the Tory’s deliberately moving toward privatisation it’s no suprise . I think kids can still register locally with parents dentist ? So I’d be getting them registered ®️
  9. indeed ... was yours ever thought of as from covid ?
  10. @Punksnotdead yep its likely type 2 also https://www.diabetes.org.uk/about_us/news/new-worse-cases-coronavirus
  11. Type 1 and 2 very different beasts , Covid has been discovered recently that amongst other things that it is a likely trigger for type 1 ..... tbh I don't know about type 2 as that is mostly caused by other factors ... worth looking into though there may also be links .
  12. fingers crossed a friend was given a 2.5 year wait recently for the same and because of pain he was forced to get it sorted privately as he's self employed
  13. my friend a fellow efester caught it at the first Glastonbury back and went last year , she really struggled , my niece had covid 3 x and it may well have triggered type 1 diabetes .... there's some long term hits to the nhs yet to filter through ... diabetes is for one a massive cost that doesnt seem to have been planned for .
  14. I mean im not sure how you'd classify the Pier tbh ... every time I've been past it looks busy ? so for me that's a winner ? is that not what its designed to do ... you'd never spend hours there id agree but its an art installation which year on year gets updated . Dance village also took some big leaps forward this year . However maybe they do need a new Joe Rush or similar and im sure theyd leap at it if there were someone out there
  15. Potential hernia .... scan now booked in for sept so will see how things go ... not in pain at present fortunately
  16. 13 years down the line .... wonder if those sat on the nhs waiting lists are feeling better off ( might be me soon ) or those unable to return to work struggling with long covid ... ( nightmare ) or other things
  17. This is just the pre sale training event from see tickets to make sure we are up to the sale itself
  18. No harm done especially with Madonna being one of the stronger rumours for next year … she’s part of the discussion at the moment
  19. which probably isn't the best thing for a fish
  20. currently attempting to tidy up the thread via pms
  21. yeah but not the oil and gas ones that I specified ....
  22. I mean it's huge money ... not like they struggled before really .
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