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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Crazyfool01


    oh for sure the negative ones do get louder no doubt on that , just a lowering of some toxic stuff needed no suggestion that people cant give grumbles as is always the case post festival with everyone feeling some blues
  2. Crazyfool01


    MOD Please use report function for anything that crosses boundary’s beyond acceptable posting . So all mods can be aware and we can look into stuff as a team and not just me attempting to keep up with multiple threads plus plenty of stuff going on in my own life . Thanks all . Any toxic sh*t just ignore also
  3. Crazyfool01


    Just chill people hopefully some great memories to take away … obviously some grumbles but please try and enjoy the positives out of the weekend rather than the fraction of time that things didn’t work for you personally . Hope everyone that went enjoyed and those that didn’t enjoyed one of the many other things onsite … and anyone that left enjoyed an early night
  4. The lighter one faired better than the Coldplay one 🙂 was knocked off during their set by someone climbing on to shoulders just before he came to me … no issues that’s how things go in a packed pit 🙂 thanks for the fist bump
  5. Crazyfool01

    2025 Headliners

    Couldn’t get near the place the 2 times I tried .. well I lie but I got in and so busy I left straight away
  6. Aw mate that’s sh*t please do come say hello next time . And yeah do appreciate not always physically possible 😂
  7. Bang out of order that.. small things and comments can massively remove a vibe for a set … 😞 hope you managed to get it back quickly
  8. No the opposite … I guess I’m probably not a representative sample mind .😂
  9. Fitness was surprisingly ok although I took it fairly easy on doctors advice … will be hoping my smile returns shortly though . My only real complaint at the festival … my back also help up remarkably this year … touch wood
  10. Was told you were there , just didn’t catch you sadly 😞 so much going on all over the place
  11. Also maybe weirdly them getting a few seats might show them utterly incapable and full of corruption like this current lot … garage record as an MEP was shameful and he will be the same as a constituency mp . Maybe wishful thinking on my part though
  12. So nearly bloody time and I’m so happy I don’t think I’m overstating that this will likely be the best week of my life ever . Soon we at least will have some hope for better and I’m taking every bit of that , enjoy the next few days even if the outcome isn’t the perfection you’d ideally want it never will be
  13. @JoeyT sometimes gets a heads up on this
  14. yep but in a more basic way ... no idea if ill do anything this year though im low on upgrade ideas now
  15. no probs had likely had a couple myself 🙂
  16. think ill probably go ... have booked the 2 potential days off after already
  17. Did you have a moth outfit ?
  18. What an amazing start to this thread … photos next level quality
  19. Those were from @eFestivals I just helped sort delivery via mine to @Sawdusty surfer who along with @hmv gave out the pile in a more sensible fashion than i were able at the time .
  20. @eFestivals still issues with uploading a 6.7mb jpeg file
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