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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. why so ? im intrigued ... it definitely has some faults like more casual attendees further back , and the chairs etc but its an amazing arena
  2. I find it bizarre, like I find people not going back to acts they like because they saw an amazing set 10 years before ok it might not reach those high expectations but people will likely still have a blast and it takes nothing from previous performance , it doesn't wipe it from memory
  3. yeah indeed but recently they stopped all overtime so they could "afford" to repay the increased interest on the debt , whilst purchasing other interests ... greedy f**kers
  4. those poor workers ... my company is purchased with debt , it worries me at times lately you just can never be sure how safe your job is ... don't know if the govt would let a food retailer collapse with the knock on impacts ... what a mess
  5. or wages rise substantially ? or maybe a bit of both ?
  6. I find getting the balance of how busy I like it / not being able to move enough hard wherever I am . The pyramid pit is hard work unless it’s an early act
  7. Good luck hope preparation has gone well … you seem to have worked a miracle weather wise the way this summer has gone . Which is bonkers saying this in August
  8. But the chance of getting in on multiple occasions seems to be lower … if you didn’t get In almost immediately in the resale you had no chance of getting in it seemed . As the ticket payments won’t fail if the new system is used in this sale
  9. Crazyfool01


    Yep then going to park up in front of the stage to replace the advertising flags from this year
  10. im helping fight for the same thing ffs ... a Labour govt, what about this are you not getting ? and why aren't you doing it ? except im not going to lick ass at every opportunity I have the ability to question things I feel aren't right . The Lib dems go further but not far enough in my opinion ... probably the greens go furthest but im not voting for them as they like don't have a hope
  11. and Lib Dem policy on new oil here . https://www.theguardian.com/business/2021/aug/26/lib-dems-propose-ban-on-new-listings-of-fossil-fuel-companies-on-lse-london-climate-change
  12. Pretty much spot on … @Ozanne I’m not a paid up member but will be helping to help unseat our Tory mp … by leafleting etc for the Lib Dem’s the party in second , Labour have no hope in this seat if they were in second I’d likely do the same for them , I ask questions about Labour and challenge policy as they are the likely next party in govt and I’d like to be clear what they deliver or say they will deliver and I feel able as I don’t have some love in for Starmer
  13. Made me laugh that which in a politics thread is decent going 😀
  14. Because I don’t believe it’s the right thing to do … simple really .. whatever party we can’t just continue f**king over the planet
  15. Couple of days ago you posted a good article about sunak and his interests in oil investments do you still believe that this is the case ? Why should this be funded along with planet destruction … the future of the planet should be at the top of any new govt issues if that’s not dealt with everything else is screwed anyway.
  16. yeah of course but im sure revoking them isn't impossible
  17. It gets too late that’s the issue … it’s on the tories yep but the consequences are on the planet it’s not party political or it shouldn’t be . It needs to stop yesterday . That goes for whoever is in power
  18. The overall costs to the planet and economic impact will far outweigh the cost to revoking them … just feel like you it should be stronger . I’ll check Lib Dem policy 2moro as I’m not 100% sure on what they’d do
  19. The problem with that is that the tories will hand them out Willy nilly now and Labour won’t revoke so we are no better off in respect of the new licences . The rest I agree with
  20. Mostly reasonable but I read that saying that he knows that the new licences make no difference to energy security but won’t revoke them because of legal stuff . Revoking them to me is crucial and we shouldn’t be taking further steps as a nation to destruct the planet further whilst we can still stop
  21. The ribbon tower can go it’s as iconic for the park as the pyramid is for the festival … it’s also pretty damn amazing once up there for views ( first time up this year )
  22. Wonder if the plan is to bring it back or the sort of acts but somewhere else on site …
  23. Shocked I tell ya … shocked … 😂
  24. I like the other for electronic acts … something about the light show on that stage makes it decent further back
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