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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. cheers ... im just outside that coverage will have a look and see if I can track that down
  2. Well maybe not but 2 of them were on farm this year but not playing the slot they’ve been angling at for a little while now
  3. Maybe push all the celebrity glamping off site ?
  4. Still there … just glad I didn’t attempt to eat yoghurt on the farm … that’s a f**king challenge and a half to overcome
  5. Not sure quite how long this feeling will last maybe till sat when I hit the return to work … somehow I’d like to figure a career change from it but can’t quite figure how or what . Don’t want it to be Glastonbury hats though as they are kind of unique to me ( obviously a few others out there too
  6. I wore my other hat after in disguise sadly it didn’t work when I walked into a bar and a roar erupted on my entry … 😀
  7. Really shows how hard the decisions must be for those up top
  8. All cool .. love meeting people .. was a little surreal after though 😂 had a fairly early night to take it all in tbh
  9. Will the spices finally get it … or will they be respectfully ignored like previously
  10. Algorithms and Twitter can be an ass when directing to some / away from stuff at the moment
  11. Used big hands previously didn’t they ?
  12. not just 17 year olds judging by the step counters posted in here
  13. thought the cameraman positioned tbf .... but not quite sure id imagine the technology enables them to pick anyone out . if he totally ad libbed that its pretty cool and if he didnt its also pretty cool 🙂
  14. well if he did then I didnt 🙂 .... he may well have seen some tweets as id tagged them . his choice to use or ignore of course . if id have known id have gone more central not arrive at the end of act before . some innacuracys in a few articles id made clear I wasnt standing there all day with apple and chewing gum
  15. cheers Steve great to say hello again ... sad that your Thursday bus made the meet impossible for you this year
  16. Yeah the only other options .. increased security guards which potentially comes at cost … don’t think Avon and somerset police are going to be patrolling car parks
  17. Crazyfool01

    Arcadia 2024

    Spider did the same .. used to come away from it with eyes streaming although it was probably proper fuel back then rather than recycled vegetable oil … think that’s why there must be reduced whooshing noise from the burners also
  18. The celeb prices keep our costs down as general punters I guess … don’t really know the answer to it all , just seems like an ever widening circle the way costs have grown for festivals
  19. So begins the new cycle we are all ticketless once again .. hope it wasn’t so bad
  20. Bad weather does mean people stay in tents more / leave earlier so it kind of counteracts to some extent
  21. Thank you ❤️❤️❤️
  22. I mean yeah I agree ideally … but it’s happened in the past and will always happen sadly some weird slots that could have been avoided and some others they chose to preempt … like faithless being moved . I guess some parts of site are easier to manage steward wise … I know there’s a massive hub for doing this monitoring at the farm
  23. Pleasure glad you enjoyed it .. and chatting to my best mate more than me
  24. Yeah maybe the app could show things closed and flash up something on phones if you’ve listed it … not sure if this could work technically or not ? Glad you made the Efest meet and met @bennyhana22
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