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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. sidetracked but yeah id be concerned about added cost to essential medicine too , a pretty large nhs cost
  2. oh i get them now 🙂 medical exemption card ..... just dont think that would be the case if things went private ..... definately not the US version where insulin costs a fortune
  3. im not sure the difference between the first 2 tbh
  4. flares were wax candles at one point that was what I referred to ..... however the ones held above heads its either had no impact or marginal
  5. As mentioned earlier we had a multitude of gazebos , flares and sky lanterns not so many years ago … the festival asked people not to bring them … and guess where we are today …. No enforcement of those items apart from putting them on the banned item list . They just stopped
  6. I just followed instructions from another thread 🙂
  7. same technique here .... I get in most times ( mates dont ) purely luck
  8. yeah agree .... we dont seem to be a country that goes for taxation . and partially the reason we've been dominated by the torys being in power . they just throw in some tax breaks prior to elections and people lap it up and seem to forget the crumbling services
  9. just as the page ticked over 7th sept in cardiff https://www.songkick.com/artists/518101-streets
  10. nice 🙂 thanks .... sept 7th in cardiff
  11. how do we define affordability ? within a few years id have spent my savings on NHS care prescriptions alone ... then id be reliant on a poorly paid job and wouldn't be able to pay . Id rather tax increase and it be clear that the money is going to nhs and social care .....
  12. quick bump ... whos about for PP ?
  13. The it’s a work event one was there this year … although obviously funnier first time around
  14. Ah damn sometimes vids show sometimes they don’t … it might with a different browser possibly
  15. 71019440865__8E373455-87DD-4687-8842-9358A4422925.MOV
  16. I think you are right but sunaks polling is pretty dire … just depends if they think they can do better or if there’s a replacement that would take it
  17. hes awful ... will he get that far ?
  18. @squirrelarmy made my replica to scale pretty sure he will have them
  19. Something I didn’t get to 😞 busy ?
  20. ok baggy mondays next year it is then 🙂
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