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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. So maybe a little early and presumptuous but I need something to focus on at the moment and the build might be a bit different to normal so ive ordered a couple of screens for version 6 ... similar to this . Unrelated ive booked to see a chiropractor 🙂 08BBBC54-17FE-4A2B-8F74-7A860B5DEED9.mp4
  2. there were 5 groups last year so they may well have decided to stick with existing groups for future sales , the advantage of big groups i would suggest has diminished with the latest sale method ( no card payment at the time ) people will likely only get through once so they will likely get their own tickets ..... the advantage comes where you can get lots of helpers that arent buying helping an individual or group . you might gain a little by having helpers that arent attempting the bus sale pooling together and helping with that ... then switching for main sale
  3. its weird ... somehow we got put in Bronze .... arrival time 9pm on the tue and had the easiest walk to gate A possible . we returned to car at 11.30 am and got out within an hour at peak time .... my only gripe is they seemed to prioritise bronze 31 over 32 and there seemed to be a lot of nice cars coming out of there ( might be my imagination though )
  4. youve got it spot on for me .... I really hate my job and the way people are treated / treat others .... I need to get out fast .... or its going to cause me issues... ive no idea where to go , 28 years in the same place ( a variety of jobs ) but now under newish contracts they try and railroad things through .... recently they tried telling me as part of a consultation that my hours would be moving to 5am from 6am starts in 4 weeks (as thats the notice required ) ... i appealed on health grounds and was told it would be referred to occupational health .... that was 8 weeks ago !!! ive not been told if its been dropped or not everyone else thats been asked has moved . Crux of it is a job change but I have this plan after every festival and in my head I know this
  5. £400 is going to be my upper limit , unless I win the lottery or get a new job , so ive potentially 2 more left before I call it quits if im lucky the next 2 sales
  6. Pre erected still prices some out however you look at it ..... absolutely no chance of me being able to afford any of those options , however basic it might be
  7. my whole camping field got lost to hospitality this year .... the field just outside woodsies lower mead pushed us into another tighter camping area .... at some point that room is going to disappear and those that pay for the hospitality options will take more and more of the site .... understand the reasons why because of funds but hope its not the start of a slippery slope . Also talk of blue pre erected camping below the pier at some point too
  8. its a facebook thing on Glastochat .... where theyve raised funds for FMS I think and sold wristbands ( not obligatory for attendance ) but they share different drinks . And everyone meets at the tree .... next year sadly I dont think that tree will be there so they might get a bit lost
  9. they were running toward the pink meet-up at the tree ... was also clueless if was an advertising stunt or something ... I must have been just out of shot ... there were a couple of police they were winding up 🙂
  10. it went back to half the field after the Stones who's to say it wont this time ......
  11. somehow feels worse this time ... I guess covid recovery was more a focus last time and we had several rest years before that so maybe memory is skewed
  12. Really Struggling to get back and face the concept of the real world when people have been so nice over the course of the festival ... maybe brought on by what I do .... just really dont want to face people and customers right now ... I always come away from Glastonbury thinking I should change things but never have a clue how to do it ... ive shut myself away since Monday apart from one trip to get food .
  13. What are your favourite photos from this years festival
  14. Let’s hope they sort the camping out if it doesn’t revert back … although I’d say it’s only needed in years of exceptionally big headliners , stones and Elton being the only 2 it’s happened for if I recall
  15. yeah we arent sure yet the system to be fair but personally I suspect they will stick with it as it takes the transaction failures out the equation
  16. removes the advantage of spreadsheets in my opinion and moves it to random help for individual groups
  17. Crazyfool01

    Arcadia 2023

    this in use at Valley fest
  18. back to the OPs question im more concerned than normal because of the process change .....it feels like if you dont get them within 5 mins then you wont get them
  19. https://www.glastonburyfestivals.co.uk/worthy-causes/#:~:text=We are the festival's three,merchandise such as water bottles. also plenty of charitable donations with the sale / auction of tickets this year
  20. theres plenty of stuff he does outside of that for communities of Somerset not just the ones impacted very directly by the festival .... for example he did a charity speaking event for a local hospice that I attended and this sort of thing was fairly regular , he also does other things .... hes a bloody nice guy and if youve ever had the chance to chat to him this comes over in spades
  21. I had this recommended to me by @Kim Wrong-Un and it was absolutely superb 🙂 see previuos page
  22. cnd , greenpeace , wateraid donations also keeping the locals sweet ?
  23. Crazyfool01


    I did say further on Michael and Joe rush but I’ve met both and conversed with both before so should recognise them really 🙂
  24. Not cleaning a cut in my leg … leading to infection and ambulance requirement then a week in hospital on a drip
  25. Crazyfool01


    Ok glad that’s sorted
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