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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Keep calm …. This is the state of my shoes after todays visit to the farm
  2. Crazyfool01


    A bit of a spatter last night apparently… the ground report video from dusty is on its way
  3. Crazyfool01


    Just been on site to drop off some stuff with dusty … site looks absolutely incredible
  4. Ha hope you enjoyed it 🙂 thought he sounded excellent and the crowd were very good and up for it 🙂
  5. Will be at the unofficial meet from 7 untill just before fireworks not sure about mik though.
  6. We are a friendly bunch …much like the rest of the festival . Will be fine 😉
  7. Warmed up for Glastonbury at Lionel by acting as a meeting point and being asked where my pyramid hat is
  8. It’s gonna give me piles to sit on it though
  9. Despite the forecast rain Lionel was dry . f**k the forecasts
  10. Just click and you’ll reverse it
  11. ive had a drink 🙂 im quote blind
  12. we ? you are Kier Starmer and I claim my £5
  13. nah ill save that for the farm
  14. with the tory party decimated theyve got so much ammunition to fight back now from the NHS to the economy they should not be messing this up ... swing or no swing its just people going and putting a cross in a box
  15. itll be fine 🙂 chill have a drink and enjoy your sunday eve 🙂
  16. Stay dry for Lionel please
  17. utilise the walk in freezer at work
  18. quite honestly though if Starmer fails to get a majority after this being handed to him on a plate then he needs to quit ... think he likely would anyway
  19. ice from coop , cans under groundsheet , freeze cider cans . freeze everything you can in the coolbox
  20. good I was waiting for someone to post that .... at last a decent thing to debate 🙂
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