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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Crazyfool01


    yep now ive got my glasses on I can see that .
  2. Crazyfool01


    do more peaks mean bigger ? looks similar size to me 🙂 but that might be the zoom , do love that they change things up all the time though
  3. Take the opportunity to let feet air … flip flops around camp and sometimes if you are able to chill in quieter areas . 2 pairs of socks also helps prevent blisters . Not entirely specific to this but might help others
  4. Sadly all in for our resale team . No idea what it’ll be though … very unlikely to be tickets I’d imagine . I’m guessing a Vodaphone festival pack and maybe a powerbank which is great as I’m short on those 😂
  5. Will happily act as a 4G hotspot with my tin hat
  6. Won a Vodaphone prize . Not sure what it is though 🙂
  7. Shush don’t tell anyone 🙂
  8. Amazing stuff yog … great to have you for another year . Look forward to the book too 🙂
  9. I’m a bit pissed at this point and forgot which one was yours ?
  10. Throw yourself into the volunteers thread . Plenty of solos and meet-ups on that thread . You’ll have loads of new mates by the end . Have a great festival
  11. Just seen Coldplay and they were f**kin superb … any wet stuff though that can just f**k off and keep f**king off
  12. theres a shuttle from Bristol temple meads ..... but obviously need to get there from the airport . that should be fairly easy with buses outside
  13. Crazyfool01


    tomorrow I will 🙂 happily . tonight I just want a sky full of stars
  14. Crazyfool01


    noo not today please 🙂 unless the roof is shut on the stadium in cardiff
  15. i reckon 11 is a fairly safe bet for things to be fairly swift
  16. theres already a ship on site if things get desperate
  17. Crazyfool01


    maybe something elton will bring to the party ?
  18. theres someone called billie paints on twitter does amazing glastonbury stuff ... she might have her paints with her at the festival worth a dm
  19. thats interesting ... i know the binnies have said they havent got any .
  20. how did you sleep ? sunk in yet ? 🙂
  21. Crazyfool01

    The churnups

    not announced because of the male aspect ? im leaning toward a supergroup now
  22. not the time or the place .... we've had these discussions umpteen times already . people have made decisions based on needs ... better to leave it at that surely now !!!
  23. dont worry none of us are Michael fish ( that I know of ) ..... and the weather guys sometimes get it wrong "someone said there is a storm coming " was a famous quote if i recall .... still all to play for 🙂
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