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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Crazyfool01

    The churnups

    Hopefully will make people happy yep 🙂 that’s the general idea
  2. Crazyfool01

    The churnups

    Who do you think it might be ?
  3. Crazyfool01

    The churnups

    Clash finder now has foos … yesterday it was pulp … as undecided as us 🙂
  4. If there is no pattern there must be a system of some description 🙂
  5. Crazyfool01

    The churnups

    Press the quote button and then type response
  6. think I spent £80 last year
  7. factually inaccurate . will leave it at that, anyone with any issues with me please dm me and im happy to clear anything up privately .
  8. Personally I reckon they will make a route through that way … or it will artificially fill all the camping around Woodsies and over the other side of the wood from gate A
  9. Just thinking about this time in 3 weeks my tent should hopefully be pitched . Great to see the tickets finally in people’s hands though 🙂
  10. True .. but it might just add a few quid to council kitty and they mightn’t be too bothered . However the locals might be though
  11. I’d imagine Elton might not struggle in paying any fine if he overran !!
  12. I think @DareToDibble is rioting on his own . Might be one to watch . Will list it on the clash finder
  13. They are on 4 x I think
  14. Showhawk duo . Wheel of 4 tunes
  15. There will be no dragging . Bribes and gentle persuasion allowed only 🙂
  16. That some will like some things and others will like others . So getting rid of an area suits some people more than others
  17. You’ve absolutely proved the point incident was making
  18. Crazyfool01

    The Churnups Poll

    They’ll both be there so doesn’t matter … think it’s foos now . 99% sure
  19. Old beat hotel between pyramid and silver hayes
  20. Quick bump for this while the forums busy .... really looking forward to meeting everyone 🙂
  21. theyve got buggar all credibility left if they dont exist .... hopefully Williams Green or something similar makes a return next year when the finances are better . unfortunately they wont ever win when they cut back areas .
  22. peak efests today isnt it 🙂 buzzing
  23. hes said hes playing the tree stage before also
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