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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. hopefully ill be in a fit enough state to abbreviate where needed 🙂
  2. Crazyfool01

    The Park 2023

    Hopefully they get the right tent in the right place this time 🙂
  3. where are all the tickets going ? 🙂
  4. slight change to the schedule .... there wont be one this evening .... but they will be running weekly from next sat at 7.30 pm
  5. Crazyfool01


    ah yeah true .... although at the moment its just a lot of scaffolding on the farm .
  6. Crazyfool01


    could this , be this from Love saves the day festival ?
  7. great work .... are we going to get people harmonising in them in the last video ?
  8. says the man with an onsite camper van and a shed load more storage than most of us
  9. and where i keep my meds, and a few cans of (cold ) cider for my walkabouts that make things a little cheaper for me .
  10. ideal to move someone into that might have grown in stature that might cause crowd issues with current slot ?
  11. yeah thats the real balance .... the demand for this stuff is always going to be there .... will be interesting to see when the lineup drops ... how many actual gaps remain and if the festival take the need for it away somewhat
  12. No blame with you guys whatsoever for any of last years programming and busyness .
  13. I’ve absolutely no doubt it is and yep that’s the balance . It’s become very big which presents its own issues though … difficult one
  14. Take them all 🙂 I’ll buy the winning one off you 🙂 I’ll actually buy a couple
  15. Blue sky today … no arguments
  16. ffs ..... where's these tickets ? im not even getting one and im nervous !!! really thought someone would have them by now
  17. i mean hes not exactly in his youth now so there arent gonna be a huge number of shows left in him ? depends how long hes fit enough and able to do them ..... hes pretty much seated throughout now isnt he ?
  18. it wasnt .... we had to see the sight of your sunburnt ankles 😀
  19. if hes not got one as the pyramid installation im going to be very disappointed .
  20. Last year I didnt visit once .... usually at least have a stroll through in the daytime , Its the opposite side of site to my camp and im generally knackered by 3am these days ( drug free fest for me )apart from alcohol . its just too busy these days after hours and just feels like a shuffle through . Im interested in what the common brings this time some of the instagram lives have upped my interest and i keep thinking I need to visit the temple
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