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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. she self confirmed on the one show , would agree shell be elsewhere too
  2. depends if there are later buses than that ... id bet there are
  3. thursday normal have started mate has 8am Liverpool
  4. the Ukrainians have to make choices now wether to return or not .... no long term plans for them .... they need to find new hosts or somehow manage to find housing with very high rents and high mortgage rates .... or back to a war zone , my parents ones leave on June 10th back to an area with no fighting or bombing currently but with fairly regular air raid sirens going off
  5. excellent just get yourself some sticky labels and a pen and we will share duties 🙂
  6. wed .... the emails are going out in time order by the looks of it resale people will get later emails as the departures are later . any parking advice or if you want resident parking 15 mins away dm me 🙂
  7. 😀 I’m just the worrier . Thanks I’m sure it’ll work out
  8. 1hour travel I’d say tops … no idea on gate time at that point . 15 min walk once inside . Will just go with what we get . Thankyou appreciate the kind thoughts though 🙂 friends have said we will be fine … 🙂
  9. I know just had my heart set on a 6am one . 🙂 sure it’ll be fine . Might mean a less stop start bus queue although I’ve no idea what a 10ish bus queue brings
  10. 9.15 Taunton 😞 looks like a change of campsite 😞 our one by jp has shrunk and we’ve no advance party this time
  11. If the pattern is that the early bus times are being announced …. They also get an earlier departure that seems to be the way it works
  12. At the moment it seems to be the earliest buses getting them ….
  13. This pattern has yet to be worked out !!! I got mine at a different time to my friends last time … same booking
  14. Crazyfool01


    Hope the Tory mps are ready for this !!
  15. FOMO seem to be more popular than fresh and black on here this year . I got 6 as they aren’t cheap even with discount
  16. I did think about that but the pool has classes in it 🙂
  17. It’ll be this afternoon when I’ve gone for a swim
  18. I’d agree …. What’s gonna be first the physical ticket or the coach time email . ? Place your bets 😀
  19. Formatting maybe ? I dunno will soon find out though . Just passing stuff on . If I’m wrong so be it , not the end of the world
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