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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. That’s what I’ve been told
  2. Crazyfool01

    The Common 2023

    intrigued by this https://www.wisdomkeepers.earth the common insta lives are worth a watch ..... some of this spread throughout the site . spreading love to all . , kings meadow and woodsies amongst others
  3. 07 and 16 particularly muddy .... for balance 2010 and 2019 particularly warm
  4. sorry worded that wrongly .... but its thought she might have been there , maybe Cressida Dick too ?
  5. Meanwhile Boris stuff seems to be implicating camilla at the downing street Abba party , and JRM playing cricket at chequers
  6. I’m going with bus time email . Then block 9 . It’s not a lineup poster but it’s something to get get excited / annoyed about
  7. Full lineup Tue . Makes absolute sense to me after @drunk pumpkin post .
  8. Crazyfool01


    If it’s them it’s quite a bit earlier than before trackway went down on June 2nd last time and the actual activity started on the 7th
  9. You must be buzzing … will endeavour to remember
  10. The weather is gonna be hot just like this thread until gates open in June
  11. There will be more on sunak too . Said this all along … bunch of absolute w*nkers . They just can’t help themselves
  12. Felt like some kind of torture device … will give it another go as the reviews are great and I brought it on reccomendation from here so it’s likely just me 😂
  13. Yeah just spotted that … must have been reading this thread or worried about the crowds
  14. Eagle eyes has something changed in latest version ?
  15. Weird … just couldn’t get on with it at the fest … maybe my SIM wasn’t thick enough .
  16. Crazyfool01

    Pilton Palais

    just let it drop off naturally
  17. spoke on the Pyramid a few years back so id imagine the Eavis family are still fans of his
  18. (You ) look all round the site people say this and that isn’t worth doing (pier and cinemacarmageddon) being prime examples however they are different and that’s what Glastonbury does very well in my opinion . If it were all just late night activities without the added extras it just wouldn’t be the same . Imagine Glastonbury without the painted bins for example they don’t need to do it but it absolutely helps the magic of the place
  19. because people do things differently and thats the absolute beauty of it
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