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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Nope doesn’t matter which way round at all . Your phone will give the option of switching to whatever network is best or you can use both but the phone battery drain will be worse . So my advice would be test both out on the farm but turn the worst performing one off
  2. Yep the one on the left on top of the tent will be for sir reg … suit and matching shirt
  3. think its version 2.0 .... version 1.0 was just a Glastonbury newspaper
  4. Crazyfool01

    The Common 2023

    Q and A live on insta
  5. Crazyfool01


    Amazing how quickly this went up
  6. As long as it doesn’t get left behind it’s not troubling anyone .
  7. Will be making 2 trips as I’m coaching it … one nice light load tent setup the tent and then the rest loaded on my pushbike and trailer from the carpark
  8. I’ll remove that and lighten the load . Ta
  9. Brave … I was up in the loft so thought I’d get it all down while I was up there . Planning on waterproofing and checking the tent this weekend as the sun is out
  10. Not been reported that anyone has yet … I reckon tomoro will be the day
  11. Dissect my Glastonbury packing pile … has anyone else started packing piles yet ? Maybe I’m a bit early with this but what the hell …. Post your pile pictures here
  12. i think itll be harder to find people that didnt bring back covid than those that did . however the dust does seem to cause people some issues
  13. last year was the first year ive attempted to get up close .... managed to get fairly close for Macca by moving in after Noel about 3 rows back but off to the right. but it was damn hard work there was a girl crouched on the floor next to me so i felt quite hemmed in and was struggling to find a way of shifting my feet about without treading on her . Pet Shop boys I had @Kalopsia to thank as he gave up his place on the barrier after years and years ( the band not time ) and I moved in to his place . not sure id do it again tbh was damn hard work not peeing and not drinking for a few hours .
  14. Crazyfool01


    That was exactly how I meant it 🙂
  15. Crazyfool01


    Clashes galore for me
  16. masie peters on the one show
  17. Ok so what happened to Kidsfield ? Too late ? Had the kids gone to bed ?
  18. For me personally it’s one of the weaker ones …. That said I’ve got 3 headliners . And bloody Elton John … lower down I’m struggling a bit . My music taste is more mainstream . So yeah pyramid stuff so I’m hoping for a few more there . But I don’t give 2 shits I’m gonna be on the farm and exploring this year more than ever and I’m going to tick off a park headliner and a jp one too , which will both be firsts for me
  19. yeah this was when i visited a month or so ago and there was no lack of wet stuff about
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