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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Crazyfool01

    The Park 2023

    did they get a bigger tent last year or did I imagine that ? if they didnt I hope they have this year
  2. nor mine ... think the driver just ticked off our names as we boarded
  3. he did it last time .... then he could climb over the wall though . don't like to ask ... sure ill find someone to do it .... or maybe a sprinkler will work
  4. Crazyfool01

    The Park 2023

    yep he'd announced park
  5. Crazyfool01

    The Park 2023

    beat me to it I think .... the others should naturally drop off
  6. cheers moved in 18months ago and the garden was just mud . I do like a bit of putting things in and seeing what im able to keep alive 🙂 . need to figure out my watering system for Glastonbury though as its gonna be roasting
  7. depends on the driver we got them on the journey last year the driver pulled over into a lay-by quite close to site . we didnt need to show ID but its recommended to take some I believe
  8. Likewise ... im going to attempt to slim down too .... just need to figure out if I can with a few medical bits and pieces
  9. there might be the odd post that people remember ... but its really not a massive basis for discussion ... in a field with a few drinks involved people are pretty unlikely to remember who posts what ... unless youve caused major controversy ... even then itll soon be forgotten because people are in a place they love and amongst friends .
  10. Crazyfool01


    just tieing the laces now ....
  11. Crazyfool01


    next refresh I reckon pyramid will be fully clothed and zipped up
  12. Crazyfool01


    long drops getting a hose down .... must be dusty onsite
  13. dont you already have your prime slot sorted ?
  14. I stand corrected it was in this thread tittle ... @blutarsky found it
  15. The state of the ground is done by @Sawdusty surfer …. First one will be in June . @deebeedoobee does a different one …. Can’t remember what it’s called though ?
  16. It absolutely is yep … was hoping to quell some fears
  17. Is anyone feeling like they might be too nervous to attend ?
  18. I don’t think looking at the terms you can donate the prize yog …. So someone might have to have submitted the idea
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