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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Crazyfool01


    god knows the chaos it would cause if it went down that hill and got to the bend at the bottom 🙂
  2. Maybe not the end for guilty pleasures
  3. 3000 was confirmed for temple size in instagram q and a with Dan on fri
  4. Crazyfool01


    Blue moon cafe detail . https://onceinabluemooncafe.com/cafe-venue/
  5. I dont the Nal is worrying .... lapping it up more like 🙂
  6. Crazyfool01


    As expected thats my fri headliner sorted
  7. Crazyfool01


    That poster is gorgeous in my opinion ... one of the best ive seen from them 🙂
  8. dm me your details ... ive not got page monitors setup as im clueless on that . but im at my laptop a fair bit
  9. biggest cross site walk .... I agree with timings
  10. id expect some tweaks yep ...
  11. they kind of havent needed to ... darble has always seemed to have space for later arrivals anyway
  12. Crazyfool01


    I think it’s my failing eyesight but I always struggle to make out the initial stages of the ribbon tower … however it’s more than due … it started showing on the 5th last year
  13. More intrigued to see if they’ve done anything with the Woodsies area than the lineup 🙂 although I think my first JP headliner will be on there
  14. That’s the pair I have yep
  15. I’m out at a gig so can’t look properly 🙂
  16. Ffs I’m out this is an absolute nightmare
  17. they put up temporary masts for the festival . this year id imagine vodaphone does the same ...Lebara piggybacks off that .
  18. Crazyfool01


    @blutarsky your daily updates were great ... I know you arent attending but we are missing those
  19. 3 ... 4 if gold ... they work on a rolling basis over 24 hours .... use them in one go you have to wait 24hrs till they return
  20. Crazyfool01


    im expecting a state of the ground report 🙂 welcome to Somerset on Somerset day
  21. thank you for all youve done and the community youve helped create .... ive many many friends from this site and without it / them id have massively struggled through covid . best of luck with the ongoing projects and your health going forward . CF
  22. Theres actually names on there I recognise ..... shocker
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