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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Good find . I’d imagine oxfam staff all over the U.K. are now answering phones with a no we haven’t got any message . Just like I’ve been doing umpteen times a day with that bloody prime drink
  2. Trying to think what else was up in cinemaigiveupmageddon … private jet was one thing ?
  3. Is it big spending ? Difficult to say they are just kebab skewering a few nice motors and mounting them on concrete slabs …. But yeah let’s see . The party’s still gonna be great
  4. its pretty obvious that its a tory disaster .... that kind of goes without saying
  5. Crazyfool01

    The Common 2023

    probably not changed much its a pretty fixed structure ... it was a question posed by someone that DAN answered .... I missed his full name sadly but he did recommend efests as a great place for info .... So hi Dan if you are reading :)\
  6. Crazyfool01

    The Common 2023

    only whats posted above
  7. Crazyfool01

    The Common 2023

    did you join ? thought i saw your name ?
  8. Crazyfool01

    The Common 2023

    temple capacity is 3 k ..... rum shack 900 .
  9. Crazyfool01

    The Common 2023

    totem gone temporarily .... budget constraints
  10. Crazyfool01

    The Common 2023

    potentially fred as a secret ?
  11. Crazyfool01

    The Common 2023

    Live on instagram now .... will be doing this on fridays in the run up to festival Q and A
  12. Crazyfool01


    that'll be sad ... good thing im going to see them in cardiff inn June 🙂
  13. its weird .... Labour seem to have done well but not as well as I personally thought they might given the current polling .... these fringe parties I guess wont be in play in a general election .... greens have only 1 mp i think .... so will they gain any extra ones in a general election ? doubtful as many switch back to the main parties .... it just depends who capitalises on those switching ?
  14. issues with bin collections i believe ..... mind you lots of rubbish thrown out today so things are decent
  15. isnt it ever ... at work I walk past a food bank collection point followed by a jubilee celebration table in our staff area several times per day .... was very tempted to ask for an anti monarchy table but managed to bite my tongue . All colleagues on minimum wage but most seem to be pro royal which i struggle to comprehend based on the huge difference
  16. Crazyfool01


    i actually want to find him its been a while now ....
  17. Looks like a full circle of cars
  18. Crazyfool01


    what are they hiding in here ?
  19. Crazyfool01


    didnt realise they took them down till we went up during visit and promptly had to about turn
  20. new town council here .... Lib dems take 19/20 seats .... Tory MP ..... fuck off next election Rebecca Pow 🙂 bosh
  21. Crazyfool01


    Some kind of lifting equipment in operation at the pier
  22. Crazyfool01

    The Common 2023

    when I went to the farm a month or so ago GEnosys was looking very sad im afraid .... hopefully they will resurrect or put something better in its place ... im not sure that itll be returning tbh .... photo April 14th
  23. Crazyfool01

    The Common 2023

    I posted previously id heard about changes to the common layout ... loss of a venue would certainly be in line with that
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