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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Crazyfool01


    4 March: Pyramid starts getting dressed (2022) 3 April: Pyramid starts getting dressed (2019) 21 April: Pyramid starts getting dressed (2017 WE ARE HERE Pre-13th May: No webcam footage (2015) 9 May: Pyramid starts getting dressed (2014) 10 May: Pyramid starts getting dressed (2016) 19 May: Pyramid starts getting dressed (2011) 27 May: Pyramid starts getting dressed (2010) 2 June: Pyramid starts getting dressed (2009) Pre-6th June: No webcam footage (2008) 7 June: Pyramid starts getting dressed (2000) Taken from the NEW Thingy https://theglastothingy.com/whendoes/ we would still be in early territory despite the dress being there for a week or so now
  2. Crazyfool01


    weird that was all done after the dress last time
  3. so torts guide is probably best for researching camping areas https://www.glastoearth.com ..... Pennards is probably the most lively of the camping areas so don't know if that would suit or not . ...... welcome to the forum and have an amazing first Glastonbury hopefully youll love it as much as the rest of us on here
  4. Crazyfool01


    vehicles kicking up some dust is a good sign .... 49 days till gates open
  5. the first map is a more general map ..... the more detailed ones follow that i believe ....
  6. ah interesting have you seen any on here ? i cant recall anything but my memory is shocking
  7. yeah I know ... I guess its ready as I was told but it has to fit with the announcement plan ..... like they might not release the map until we get woodsies poster for example as thats changing
  8. Obviously some bits of info leak whose playing , site changes etc … I’m just not sure the poster announcements have
  9. That info came from croissant Neuf themselves didn’t it ? And even they got it wrong … unless Friday is now the weekend officially ?
  10. Just out of interest have we ever had anyone that knows when one of these announcements is due ? Or is it just people guessing …
  11. Back when I was ambulanced out after the stones the photo of a ticket proved massively usefull to my friends who had to retrieve my kit from the lockup without me or my ticket there . It’s a really good tip
  12. The lad and friends who looked out for me when I had a hypo ( low blood sugar ) episode at arcadia last year , probably the one of the worst I’ve had since being a type 1 diabetic . I’d previously had one by the coop and had exhausted my supplies of glucose tabs . The symptoms can be mistaken for drunkenness . Anyway the stranger hunted for someone with sweets and stayed with me till me levels returned to . normal . oh and festival medical services who have their own thread 🙂
  13. Just a spray from a camping shop although they do them on Amazon …. Concentrate on the seems to start that’s where most leakage will happen … but there’s enough in them to do the whole tent
  14. cider can be frozen with no real issues .
  15. I vote lib dem and I align better with them .....than I do with Kiers labour .... I vote Lib dem to keep the tories out . as thats the second party here ... id vote Labour if they were second however
  16. I’d suggest this is a friend list of people within the festival that might mop up some remaining tickets ?
  17. Couple of lovely days sunshine now perfect timing for the build to ramp up 🙂
  18. Crazyfool01


    Last year was ok wasn’t it ?
  19. Crazyfool01


    Yep saw that but seems to be a good gathering now
  20. Crazyfool01


    it appiers that the Glastonbury on Sea crew are in position
  21. that'll be absolutely fine .... they take anything and are massive marques ... people check things in and out all the time
  22. Crazyfool01


    Anything else happening other than this ? thanks for the fence update @Claire0406 hopefully they get a wriggle on with that skin .... its a nice day to be doing it
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