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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. if they dont ill just power mine up 🙂
  2. will go on a few hours think im usually still there 9.30 -10 and then wander off to see fireworks ... theres usually still people around then so not sure quite how late it goes on
  3. sorry ignore button is what I meant
  4. Crazyfool01

    Arcadia 2024

    Arc bars I think they are called … second one must have gone up in last 24hrs since I last checked
  5. The block button is available if needed
  6. Crazyfool01

    Arcadia 2024

    one did in the site changes thread if you are happy to see spoilers .... was from a few days ago though
  7. Anyone still to receive them ?
  8. The National 110 Justice 140 Fontaines D.C 225 10 added for National for Jack ledger post that needed approval
  9. The National 65 -10 Justice 200 Fontaines D.C 210
  10. Kier improved … Sunak absolutely appalling no surprise with that
  11. Kier not so well ... missed the Scottish lad
  12. Lower mead very busy when we arrived around 11 last year ... is our normal spot so we moved to Michaels mead which had a decent amount of room then
  13. christ do I have to stretch to believing the daily fail ... sadly I think thats going a bit far
  14. Ed Davey coming across well here in my opinion
  15. Crazyfool01


    You’ll get 1 more if you sign up for gold . Makes you ration them . Although sadly days like today when the threads are in full flow with people getting tickets there just aren’t enough … I attempt to make a mental note and come back when they refill
  16. Think I’m seeing these on recommendation but pretty blind what to expect
  17. still go for anyone not seen oxfam have places I think
  18. yep ... maybe a bit obstructed lower down but should be ok
  19. Crazyfool01


    or they were announcing it anyway ?
  20. its before the fireworks ... so might be a stampede in that direction after ?
  21. Crazyfool01


    Why am I always out of upvotes when I need them ?
  22. Crazyfool01


    Arc bar gone up ... possibly a while back .... chopper tail still the only bit painted ... maybe they ran out 🙂
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