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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. There isn’t yet !! That I’ve seen anyway
  2. Crazyfool01


    keep it turned off then ... don't wanna see that
  3. Crazyfool01


    this did happen the last time the pyramid got dressed .... by the time the camera came back on she was half dressed
  4. Crazyfool01


    The ice caps have gone he’s got nowhere else …
  5. what do you wanna know .... they depart from the bridge on Tangier way . im a taunton resident so give me a shout if you need to know more . journey is around 50mins with no traffic
  6. leadbooker pays all it looks like
  7. to be expected at this stage ... bus sale is damn hard
  8. a fraction lower maybe but not by much cant remember exact figures . need to remember we were only 1 group that year too
  9. good result team 1 🙂
  10. our spreadsheet got 9 /14 ..... i got in at 9.01 and the reg had been used .... got back in for another and bristol buses kept selling out as i got in and worked my way down the page ffs
  11. checking out till after sale now .... best of luck to you all and spreadsheet admins i hope you all get sorted early ... if you want to . I know the levels of work and the changes this can involve . see you on the other side with plenty of green on those spreadsheets ...
  12. Crazyfool01


    surely itll stay there .... unless they like to be stars of glastocam ....
  13. the answer is we dont really know .... but thursday is likely to go later and probably some of the Scotland options and maybe lincoln , just depends whats been returned
  14. all sorted already
  15. Crazyfool01


    yeah its a bit daft sticking that one out when it warms up ..... they like it cooler
  16. last year was a definite improvement . not sure we will ever get to the size of reading though
  17. no longer a mod for the moment ... oh sorry you meant neil
  18. Crazyfool01


    What on earth is this ? Are they attempting to hide it behind container ?
  19. just pick a group from any of the threads and offer to help within that . theres a fairly even split of helpers now
  20. ha ha ... i might lack in the theatrical ability though 🙂
  21. The difference being that those acts in icon aren’t the ones that create the news story’s …. It’s the headliners
  22. Might try and pass myself off as an act in the hope of getting a job there in future
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