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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. If you’ve been before lineup might not make a massive difference … in terms of selling to new people ( which it has to ) it definitely sells the tickets
  2. Yeah they are very different to those posted there couple of different variations I know of for Taunton last year on the wed
  3. Crazyfool01


    Activity here … is that west holts field entrance ?
  4. Crazyfool01


    weren't they green ? sunbelt branded
  5. Crazyfool01


    have they lost the key to the door lock .... is a bit odd ....maybe trying to shift it ?
  6. Crazyfool01


    Thanks PD how far have they got ? I know previously photos have been on here quite early on for that one
  7. Personally I think the tickets will be absorbed into other things . There won’t be very many who book them and then don’t pay balance off
  8. Crazyfool01


    Based on previous years I’d expect the temple build to have started by now off camera
  9. Crazyfool01

    Avalon 2023

    I’ve got a lighter sat eve based on what’s rumoured where currently. so a visit to Avalon is perfect and that also allows a short walk to the temple for me to try it before the hoardes descend when the headliners finish
  10. Crazyfool01


    I think today will be the day she gets frock on
  11. not sure your style but a tarp one posted by Kalifire above would work well
  12. not found this answer anywhere ... but its a QR code
  13. My suggestion would be that you all pick up one mate from outside of here . That could give each group 100 extra helpers … on here you would probably get fewer
  14. This time tomoro many of you will be smelling the sweet smells of success … ready to smell the sweet smells of the long drops in june
  15. I’ll try and bump into you at some point then maybe youngsters might be a stretch for me though
  16. will see but cost implications and travel restrictions are making things much harder for them
  17. Crazyfool01

    Avalon 2023

    is it possible to get back to Avalon please now ? this is a build up thread for people excited about Avalon lineup .... the politics thread has already been linked .... I posted earlier in the discussion but didnt think it would be still part of chat a few days later
  18. slow and steady no more than 60 times per min has been the general rule of thumb I think
  19. i hope im wrong too 🙂 sadly everything has a shelf life . hope thats many many years away
  20. i was meaning more the overall thing more than solo .
  21. to a point .... at some point this will stop
  22. yeah just done that with all 15 we are trying for in the bus sale
  23. if im following correctly group 3
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