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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Crazyfool01


    tell me why
  2. I saw on twitter the campaign is being run by that Sophie Cochran ..... what an excellent job shes doing 🙂
  3. Jeans ... heaven forbid 🙂 thats levels above trousers for issues 🙂
  4. Crazyfool01


    what id give for a Chris Martin version 🙂
  5. Crazyfool01


    it can be quite late ... im awaiting this myself as id like to make a hat addition if ive got time .... if its a different coloured version of the CND symbol weve had last few years id imagine they are well practised at putting it up
  6. The National 75 Justice 210 Fontaines D.C 210 correction after a sorry potato post 🙂
  7. Depends how you do the festival … my mate takes one to listen to at the tent in the morning before the stages kick off late morning … there’s not much going on musically at that point . But obviously plenty of other things to wander and see around the site
  8. You can stick anything like that in the free lockups … I’d ideally go with the I’d that’s stipulated tbh … just more hassle than it’s worth if driver decides not to take it … that said I saw someone who’d forgotten ID have a photo of it sent over … so isn’t beyond possibility they might accept it
  9. Will take a look thanks
  10. Unnecessary comment that 😞
  11. He could just post them through my door … he’s playing a funk and soul gig 2 mins away tomoro … save them the hassle of running a comp 🙂
  12. Good shout .. will dig them out … will be doing my weather gods bit then at least
  13. yep will be doing this for sure ... just a bit more awkward for doing injections and dealing with low blood sugars ... will cope im sure but not one to say that mud or rain doesnt take some of the fun out of things ... for me it does and its bloody exhausting .. will like everyone make the best out of it and enjoy anyway
  14. I’ve got till Monday will see how we go 🙂 thanks
  15. I’ve considered it … something ideally I’d like to avoid having to carry
  16. It’s the sitting down that’s my issue . It’s a pain in the backside not being able to plonk your ass for a few mins on the ground . Sometimes need to take a little time out (medical needs )
  17. I was attempting to be helpful sadly I dont have one
  18. faithless got moved from Thurs to Friday to avoid crowd issues
  19. ah yeah see what you mean .... I guess technology might have advanced somewhat ... not long till we find out 🙂
  20. someone who doesnt have a buzzard to spare that weekend
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