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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. So my suggestion would be to set up a group 5 as the others are now locked .
  2. It’s a bit confusing that I’ve just done the one on here … my friends I can’t tag on insta as they aren’t on there .
  3. All sorted back to chat section now …
  4. Spotted by @funkychick2007 on our watts app group Vodafone competition starts in 10days time to win tickets!! If anyone has the app its in the Very Me Rewards section! Ax
  5. who are you talking to here ? yourself ?
  6. will live in memory forever that 🙂
  7. Or shit like the old dance tent
  8. Glastonbury have subbed sonic for the levels . quite intrigued by this bring on that beautiful map
  9. yep think so as long as efests doesnt crash .... its been pretty solid of late so dont expect it to ... just make sure all people have and efest tab open
  10. Crazyfool01


    head up to the stone circle along the left side of the field as you enter it .... you should see it in the trees
  11. the live spreadsheet will update in real time .... its just a question of how volunteers report back if successful
  12. Bosh 😀see you in a few weeks
  13. Did someone take a photo of a dirty laptop screen ?
  14. Maybe Williams green if that has a new stage ?
  15. That’s a mission in itself
  16. Actually thinking about it people will need to report in as quickly as possible if they are successfull
  17. There’s no real fair way of dividing those offering help …. Hopefully most help comes from within the groups and friends of friends being seconded . Everyone should really be trying in 1 weeks time to knock the bus people off the list then the pool becomes smaller for main resale on the Sunday . Maybe the spreadsheets get a separate thread for resale so they don’t get lost and anyone can jump on and help anyone of them as and when they want ? So each admin just posts one link and that’s the thread complete .
  18. Crazyfool01


    Oh er … should be good 🙂
  19. At Pilton party Guy Garvey stopped the show and called for the medics from an incident right next to me … very speedy response and dealt with swiftly by the medics . You never quite know when it might be you requiring their services !!
  20. I tend to stay a bit back from main paths but apart from a bit of extra weight I’d say they are decent … not seen any damaged ones yet but they do come with a repair patch . They are pretty common place at glastonbury and I’ve not yet seen any deflation issues mentioned on here yet
  21. You’ll be good … might pack a waterproof though
  22. Crumbs 2011 you’d have been very near to us … right opposite guardian lounge or was it Smirnoff ice experience whatever that was called
  23. There’s no real right answer to this … you are always a long way from something but best advice is to say hello and share a beer with neighbours and torts guide above
  24. Yeah a pump. a few pumps for each air pole and they are up …. The downside is they are a bit heavier than the pole versions
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