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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Crazyfool01


    ffs need to update the hat with whatever that feature is šŸ™‚
  2. download zoom and click the link once its started . should take you straight in without requiring password
  3. 4 spreadsheets not 41 šŸ™‚ that spreadsheet has 41 people on it I think or did at that time
  4. would be ok but maybe a bit awkward to carry .... this is the one I have in rucksack form https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/404034637132?var=673918882866&mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=710-53481-19255-0&campid=5338749377&toolid=20006&customid=GB_888_v1|404034637132|673918882866.148546202298~293946777986-g_EAIaIQobChMIhJC3srSG_gIVGO3tCh3IMgr7EAQYAiABEgIJUfD_BwE&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIhJC3srSG_gIVGO3tCh3IMgr7EAQYAiABEgIJUfD_BwE
  5. stick them under groundsheet at night .... or obviously in a coolbox ... the onsite coop sells ice
  6. when do people start getting nervous about the weather ? starting today for me . Lets hope April is better
  7. you would have to agree a strategy amongst the group .... most on ours had built up a level of trust over a fair bit of time .... so we all just used own cards and got paid back . obviously a bit of trust involved but if people dont pay back then tickets can still be cancelled . so really not worth it to rip someone off . Ive not ever seen issues in my time on here . however that is absolutely not a guarantee it couldt happen . They other option which would delay things slightly and might cause more complications on the day is to provide a telephone number to ring for payment . Dont forget that verification might also be needed .
  8. Crazyfool01


    too blustery for any frock today sadly
  9. Strength in numbers šŸ™‚ Brilliant
  10. Would fill it over and over ā€¦ surely
  11. @Losing my hair you said this too didnt you ?
  12. Thanks ā€¦ hope to see some new games last time we had 12 people at one point with some new faces ā€¦. Donā€™t be shy šŸ™‚
  13. fine id leave it till after 11am so you can avoid getting caught up in main queues when going back though ... you can just go past them but they stretch back away from the gate so it can look like you are jumping the queue will have died down later with no queue at reentry lane
  14. Iā€™m attempting to build the pyramid stage but Iā€™m sadly not very patient šŸ™‚
  15. id suggest and its just based on a few previous polls that 17% is at the top end of what we've seen before
  16. Glastobation poll was 17% back in the pot with 5000 response I think . So good numbers for resale
  17. emerging talent ... those damn Glasto random tweets
  18. the pattern got thrown by last year which was an outlier because of covid . this year its a bit more normal
  19. yep and also when we had the bikes and had to do the slalom at gate A it just wasnt easy with 2 of us pushing them with the angles we needed to take so better if we separated anyway .... now have a workaround that makes that easier if we go by car . but yeah own pace is a must
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