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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Crazyfool01


    I presume this isnt official ? ...
  2. Crazyfool01


    if the skin is to go one this month they'd better get a moooove on
  3. hence looking smaller ... that makes sense
  4. just reading on Glasto chat we got the small spider last year as the big one got damaged in transit ? anyone know about this ? if thats the case then im sure we will get the big one this time and probably not quite as late as last year
  5. I’d say would miss the peak if leaving at 10am from Paddington .
  6. I have on occasion thought I’ve been robbed only to find said stolen item much later in the festival … usually when packing away
  7. sounds like 2013 for me but a day earlier . Thread to follow shortly 🙂
  8. Crazyfool01

    Covers band stage

    11years later thats quite some find
  9. Crazyfool01


    theres no way of pinning all the different links we have for this now is there ? so they are easily accessible
  10. i guess it depends one whether there is a stage there anymore or not ? or if it might return in the future ?
  11. But I think the question remains as to wether there is a stage of any description in that area ? We know some cars will be used in a project .
  12. Daft punk arrival … pyramid frame will be with me end of the week ready for construction
  13. Yeah looks a bit grim down there … hope the fact it’s just brightened up here translates somehow to the farm
  14. Crazyfool01


    So I presume they start work pretty much the day those covers get dropped at the corners … no reason they’d leave them out I guess . Need to check the weather thread to see if we have a break in the rain this week …. It’s all got a bit brighter here now but Pilton does seem to have weather of its own
  15. Apologies if that read wrong . No blame attached to any volunteers
  16. 27th may was the email last year … you get an allotted time for both arrival and departure from the festival
  17. I’ve also sewn them on with fishing line and there are loops you can buy on elwirecraft.co.U.K.
  18. really versatile ... i originally used them on my hat .... ive also glue gunned them to clothing . let me know what you decide
  19. mine similar for 5 days .... most alcohol also brought in from outside .
  20. the energy will go before the enthusiasm 🙂
  21. i was going to say that 🙂
  22. You should be fine the accommodation sale follows main sale on the Sunday …make sure you are prepared with one reg number but usually there’s some back in the pot from people who over brought previously . It is supposed to be limited but doesn’t seem to work so you can end up with multiple
  23. We will see 🙂 but those 3 would tick of what I want to see … maybe I’d volunteer at that point … I’d be close to 20 festivals
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