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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Crazyfool01

    Going alone

    see main topic on glastonbury forum for response to this post
  2. End of the week … Thursday maybe Friday
  3. I worry they stick with this shit when they get elected ..... then we get Tory lite followed by hardcore right and repeat . and to be able to question stuff is exactly what we should be doing ..... thats the only way things change rather than acceptance of everything that Starmer does and says as right because he wants to get elected . it is still possible to support someone and accept they made big errors .... see Lib dems tuition fees or Blair Iraq war .... and that applies to partys whilst in opposition too .
  4. A great move if that’s an Rnli lifeboat and a pledge to help refugees
  5. I’ve no interest in a love in for starmer by watching the entire speech . Don’t twist things … by posting on here it shows I’m interested doesn’t it ?
  6. Can’t read that but I think he needs to be carefull about switching off a part of the electorate whilst trying to appeal to another …. I don’t have that love for starmer but do understand he needs to appeal to others but it’s how far he pushes that boundary and think that overstepped things
  7. I’m seeing the optics … what others see what gets reported … I’ve no interest in the rest at this stage …
  8. So he gets free reign to say what he likes because of … thought he was smarter than that
  9. He’s streets ahead in the polls , he doesn’t need to win anyone over …. He can say all the same stuff and not quote thatcher
  10. I wonder if egg supply is any better in Europe ..... what next ? my tomatoes haven't even sprouted yet 😞
  11. Crazyfool01


    im going to go with light fixings .... so we get the pyramid glow similar to coldplay ....
  12. didn't say that .... but he needs to be better over who he choses to quote in my opinion
  13. yeah sadly ive not got the room for a greenhouse but this year ive got a few daffodils and things are starting too get established . and a couple of small buckets of tomato plants ... not sure how they will turn out
  14. Crazyfool01


    ok so a bit of a timetable of last years build .... I will probably break it down into chunks of Activity of varying lengths and some dates may fluctuate in reality by the odd day 28th March Photos of Pyramid partly dressed appear 29th March Fully Dressed Photos 5th April Working camera 6th April Portacabins arrive in Pyramid field along with early deliveries 8th April Buildup of Equipment by bus station 9th April Cherry Picker at Pyramid 12th April Long drops in Pyramid field 16th April Pyramid dress complete 20th April Pyramid Deck 24th April West Holts Starts ( photos ) Clay pigeon shooting 25th April Sunbelt trackway 26th April BBC studio in Park 28th April Ribbon tower skeleton 29th April Other Stage visible so first off the dress which might be very close looking at last year .....
  15. I dont think it'll happen by the way ..... but I like the discussion . ill be camped outside anyway 🙂
  16. do you think that should be included ? or would have been better left out ? ..... by including it he generates the wrong kind of headlines and alienates people .... its an error . and no I didn't I saw the headlines generated like most people will
  17. Like mentioned above its the only place they "could" realistically shut off
  18. he definately shouldn't be quoting Thatcher .... its unsurprising people spot that in a speech . thats an error . seriously dont like the way the Labour Party come over at the moment ..... and yes they will be better than the Tories but thats hardly a shock at the moment .
  19. there was talk of Harry Styles early .... Id heard he was playing and someone else I think also did .... but obviously the tour dates dont make that realistic . there was also talk from the announcer at the Brits saying he was rumoured , which might well be his people trying to position him for an appearance similar to the spice girls and the numerous attempts theyve made .
  20. you pick up different vibes wherever you are in the crowd ... same place different set might be an entirely different vibe .... did the barrier a couple of times last year macca pretty much and psbs , the first time ever . but found it such hard work tbh id probably not do it again . I like a bit of room to move about but not so much i feel excluded .... back of the pit I reckon would be the sweet spot so ill try that for Elton maybe this time .
  21. they've been on the rumours page for ages
  22. I’m still going with my end of next week guess …just before balance payments … we only got west holts to make up the poster numbers and because Steve had released the lineup on a playlist
  23. Will be there 100% myself hopefully will be on a night that doesn’t mean it’s rammed … sadly couldn’t get in the tent last night
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