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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. see I reckon Elton might get a bigger turnout than Macca ..... controversial opinion probably 🙂
  2. Awaiting arrival of the frame made by @squirrelarmy so I can then work my magic 🙂
  3. Crazyfool01


    so Elton doesnt get dirty feet 🙂
  4. Crazyfool01


    What’s the crane to the right of pyramid up to ? Drainage ditches ?
  5. they dont half jump the barrier and smash their way through the crowd .... saw it happen for PSBs last year
  6. bloody hell those woodworm are massive round your way
  7. the poll is at just under 80 % for the first 2 options .... and thats from pretty hardcore music fans ..... it'll be even more swayed in Eltons direction with the less hardcore and the sunday ticket holders .... was it quite that high with Macca / Stones and Dolly ? maybe but I reckon this might rival peak crowds
  8. How much of the tour setups can bands genuinely bring ? The pyramid is pretty limited in that respect isn’t it ?
  9. expectation or not they still need to operate in a safe manner .... and im not sure how possible that is now on the wed and Thurs
  10. jogging is bad for your health 🙂
  11. fantastic 🙂 Congrats
  12. the only way things will get quieter on the pre main stage days is to remove the music altogether ......reducing the venues only makes everything else busier .... those williams green people have to go somewhere
  13. Looks like hes done for ... reading responses on twitter
  14. yeah highlights id say .... loads of boris waffle and repetition
  15. why are sky spinning it as in any way acceptable .... it wasn't under the rules that existed
  16. its all got a bit waffly for me ....
  17. Yeah interruptions for vote and result I think
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