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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Lots relating to sickness around covid too … many would either have been not able to come or had reduced staffing levels which contributed to longer queue times
  2. @happy camper I’d probably edit the detail above for now and give it via pm
  3. Keep the faith team 12% returns at the moment
  4. theres no point working out the non existent email pattern is there ? has anyone that has a coach package had the email yet ?
  5. ive not tried them so its a recommendation that i look forward to sampling at the farm 🙂
  6. Reminder emails going out I believe … first panic of the year , I’ve not had mine yet . There will be a few more I’m sure
  7. Not much of a drinker normally and a friend had a discount code so thought sod it 🙂
  8. Great brexit speech though 🙂
  9. Crazyfool01


    I’ve been reading back as I’m creating a highlights of last year post so we can compare … that and toppling of Pangea , along with screen sizes for pyramid are the standout moments of last years build
  10. Traffic management seems much better of late … we left at 10.30 am last time and took no longer than 40 mins to exit the west carparks … luck of the draw though
  11. Took delivery of some drinks … now need to stop myself drinking them
  12. Makes sense to me … would enable lots more people to view it than the tent I’d they were to put acts on before the fest
  13. It’s gonna have the car installation … it just really depends if they have a stage there or not ?
  14. Genius idea in true blue Peter fashion here is one I made earlier 🙂
  15. nice vlog ... even better that @March Hare features whilst waiting for Kendrick
  16. how early did you arrive ? just wondering if anyones brought them tue on entry ?
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