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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Suggestion for admins … about now they tag everyone either in groups or on here to check people are still active and want tickets …. Some will be naturally more quiet in groups but now it’s getting close people need to start stirring from slumbers
  2. Royal blood definately subbing AM
  3. Yep fairly certain @Seldom Seen Kid got them for mates and had to send them on
  4. there are currently 3 groups i think .... all full ? but it doesnt harm in teaming up with others that are also looking @danbailey80@emilyoowen
  5. build those numbers now ... get everyone signed up to the cause ..... it'll work out 🙂
  6. least I can do .... this forum massively helped me and my group out last time 🙂
  7. correct ... sort your group and then move to the next one down below yours thats not gone green ....
  8. the process we used is that once a group is successful they move to the next group down the spreadsheet that hasn't gone green .... it then ends up with everyone hammering to try and get the last remaining groups tickets . we had one person who was turning the spreadsheet green in real time from responses to the watts app group ..... Team 1 complete ( they go green and it moves on ) apart from that at 5 mins before sale time the watts app should be silent apart from confirmation . obviously the group at the bottom moves up to the top group
  9. If anyone is buying from brothers online Thankyou10 should give you 10% discount
  10. oh no we didnt put card details on spreadsheet ... we just pretty much all paid for others and then got it all paid back .... definately do not publish card details on any spreadsheet . just one hassle i wouldn't be going through mid sale .... I would also advise that the spreadsheet groups are locked pretty soon if they arent already . we have got everyone to do an introduction on the watts app group with a picture of them at Glastonbury
  11. yep this. the phone option is there but they still get account details anyway and it just delays things .... also the need for the oNE TIME PASSWORDS and site/ payment crashes complicates things further
  12. nurseries are fucked just like everything else .... cant retain staff so I cant see this solving anything
  13. so basically all the price rises we've got are already baked in unless we get some kind of price wars .... so lower inflation on top of the inflation we've got currently is gonna be shit ?
  14. from what ive seen nope .... thats a probable based on where they got listed previously
  15. ive not in all my time been aware of any payment issues .... we were all a pretty tight group when we did it post covid .... now im sure people can get the transactions cancelled if there were any problems with payment back to them .... mostly people felt able to use own cards during sale and got the money back after .... other option is a phone number but that might mean vital delays some gave card numbers out before if people didnt feel they would have funds available .
  16. I feel so much better after this budget thanks Jeremy
  17. and we paid for his upgrade despite his massive wealth
  18. hunt mentions swimming pools .... what a fucking asshole
  19. doesnt the bank of England control inflation ?
  20. Any other helpers out there please make yourselves known … on here
  21. And I’ve won …… a tshirt 🙂
  22. I guess they won’t be giving in … whatever
  23. lots of smaller venues in the green fields https://www.glastonburyfestivals.co.uk/areas/the-green-fields/ , you can also chill out inn the woods by the park or maybe on the hill by the glastonbury sign but there won't be much going on there .... the bars all have music too but on a smaller scale to the big areas
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