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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. ID type wristbands available from lockups i think if you bring appropriate ID ... which you can then store in them
  2. she's got her pink lines that she doesnt break
  3. oxfam , wateraid , greenpeace , elton , hot chip
  4. Gonna smash 1 million isn’t it 🙂 wow amazing stuff from the festival and all concerned
  5. Do they sell them individually with codes in the supermarkets ? The bonus of buying the boxes of cans is that I can complete my Glastonbury stash
  6. The latter I’m doubtful about sadly … they have loads lined up for the year and do have that gsh but when I asked on Monday they aren’t playing … unless they are and they didn’t want to tell me
  7. Yeah meant to quote you … I’d just heard different previously so wanted to make sure
  8. Subbing AM I’ve just had confirmed
  9. There was some left that’s what the article was about … and yeah it gets burnt by tents still although it’s more rare and you obviously can’t do it where packed in tight but sometimes people arrange tents so they can have a fire or in some of the quieter campsites it’s still possible
  10. does the platform fill early ? can you get on it for switch over .... dont know how oversubscribed these things are ?
  11. lineups a bit meh so far ....but soo looking forward to Elton ..... its gonna be great anyway
  12. got a friend there ... enjoy
  13. It needs someone to setup another sheet there are 2 full ones already … you have numbers and just need an organiser that is able to setup spreadsheets
  14. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    Dua , Madonna , depeche mode
  15. They are absolutely 100% Friday … I’m trying to find out stage from a friend
  16. Last thing I heard was other or jp … that may have changed and my info is from someone on here @vintagelaureate
  17. Are you a Taunton resident ? waves 🙂
  18. @PassingCloud would you be able to put playlist here please so we can keep them in one place ....
  19. providing you have a decent enough gap between tents then yes
  20. I hope my faculties were working and i got them £2 each 3 for £5 then 🙂
  21. £2 each or I was unwittingly being ripped off
  22. ive asked on that 🙂 might not be
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