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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Yeah my mate had water and I treated myself to one on my birthday … around £8 if I remember
  2. The food that is … was very good slightly slow but tbf it was the first service and one of the main chefs had bust his arm preceding the festival so really to be expected
  3. I was fortunate to get a cancellation from someone on here but yep pay and choose sitting I presume . It won’t be allocated at a time you don’t want … cocktails were nice 🙂 …. I probably would have appreciated it a little more if I hadn’t been scrabbling around looking for stuff in the undergrowth for the preceding hour
  4. worth doing especially if you can get a sitting on a non music day 🙂 ... sells out pretty quick though
  5. today we sold out of turnips and swedes ... for the first time i can remember ..... wonder if Coffee has shares in Turnip farms ?
  6. What a bloody great tribute that was … !!
  7. After that can we be done with it pretty please 🙂
  8. As soon as I can I will but it applies to a band with an obvious gsh but not headliner and one headlining a smaller stage
  9. Crazyfool01


    Which from memory was earlier than normal … think they wanted to check her dress over because of the time in storage …
  10. those balls were covered in mud
  11. they are pretty good with supporting the local community tbh .... I think research might be needed here
  12. Well ok … Elton did at least sing it
  13. Sorry seems to be the hardest words we’re his lyrics weren’t they ? Don’t know if they were written about this situation ?
  14. im at 2 ... might need to do a little more listening
  15. Not been given the boot then ?
  16. If it does does it count multiple times when it moves about ?
  17. fri jp headliner I think was mentioned
  18. backstage bars ? do they not have stages ?
  19. keeping the faith here ... could still happen but maybe not other
  20. well i think i might be recognised ..... so March 16th ... 9am
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