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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. The entire forums are speculation ?
  2. Someone that’s been doing a festival site for minimum of 20 years knows less than me or you ? I believe he lost a big contact from west holts recently but come on ? And yeah of course others know things that’s how it works and how the peices come together …. Like a big jigsaw of knowledge
  3. Totally agree prodigy is a darkness or nothing
  4. Depends which page you read
  5. So basically Glastonbury don’t seem to be very organised in that aspect … maybe a could do better situation they’ve not adressed over many years that the smaller festivals are on top of .. I guess glastonbury can be a little complacent because of demand
  6. Presume you talk in terms of a press release for the lineup and not getting one ?
  7. That’s my hope … I’m very much one for not trying to pin my hopes on anything before the poster … these things change umpteen times … just don’t want the prodigy Elton clash like many …. 1 night at pyramid would be lowering my average there I think …. And I’ve not done a jp headliner before
  8. If that’s correct … with hot chip Fri potentially that’s perfect for me …. Jp , other and then pyramid .
  9. Well we’ve had 2 headliners announced Today previously
  10. I guess some / many of the announcements are influenced by the actual bands themselves as to what they leak so sometimes gf have to scrabble together an announcement . Obviously applies to individual announcements more than the poster though
  11. I thought the exact same thing
  12. same .... come on can we get full agreement ?
  13. well they could rename the woods the saplings ?
  14. on my watts app .... oh and here's a twitter screenshot from that account i mentioned .... cant be assed with this third degree shit
  15. was it not called something like the new bands tent previously ?
  16. quite an old thread .... but did i see theres a possibility of a rename ?
  17. quite niche id guess ? can @westholtschic advise further ?
  18. doesnt seem to be any issues in Europe yet the uk seems to have restrictions and paperwork .... something that impacts my job a fair bit ..... now imposed limits on buying about 10 fruit / veg items .... worst ive seen it whilst working there and thats around 26 years now ....although slightly better today and we dont seem to have been hit as badly as some other big supermarkets
  19. I guess some of that is that it’s a bar that is open and with music and people generally there to have a skinfull that seems to have been the way since I started going … they did however remove the big 2 litre bottles to try and contain it to this area I guess as they got strewn everywhere
  20. Very few for a festival of its size and numbers tbh … just look at the crime stats which seem to be falling now post superfence … of course they’ll be some but my personal experience is that you’ll struggle to find them .
  21. Amazing what gets forgotten !! Must have just been the assholes on there saving that post for me before they left
  22. yeah maybe this seems like it because its more recent ...
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