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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Crazyfool01


    theres months till the actual gigs ... plenty of time and room for both
  2. Crazyfool01

    2025 Headliners

    I know and I am 🙂 thanks
  3. Crazyfool01

    2025 Headliners

    If we could turn back time and I didn’t have to see that comment ….
  4. so im presuming if they have 3 servers in operation and a 4th that is a standby then as soon as that server is being asked to process 1/4 or more of the sales then the advantage is gone ? would that server be able to potentially handle things at a quicker rate or not be limited in numbers that it was able to process like the others that seem to handle at a set speed ? Are there other ways that people might be attempting to get round this ? just as soon as a hack is discovered they might be attempting to find the next one
  5. Maunsel house is in Somerset as the website has pretty limited info .... Near a place called North Newton ... The owner is very eccentric putting it mildly .... Its where I had a sit down meal with Michael Eavis many years ago
  6. I think youd be surprised ref the numbers involved at least last year .... in the days off socials and watts app being used widely many people will share with friends
  7. it is ok to change your mind 🙂 ..... MY MP has clearly been working over the Summer and getting out into the constituency , theres jobs advertised in his office and unlike the previous Tory MP who only ever bothered with an election coming up . I remember Ozanne saying the Torys play politics on easy mode a few times and hadn't quite remembered the amount of hate levelled at Labour by the Tory press and others . As ever theres some stuff that I dont agree with with new govt but the amount of sh*t they get far outweighs what is sensible a few months into a new govt ... fortunately its early days and the new choice of Tory leader is also looking like an absolute mess , along with the reform lot hardly making any efforts to be constituency MPs much like Dorries .
  8. I think McLaren need to employ some team orders or Max will end up winning it by default .... I love how this season is going though .... 100 X better than max storming off into the sunset , even if he ends up winning in the end ... I dont know if theres a way of measuring the audiences but surely this sort of season is one that attracts people back to watching F1
  9. I’ve got dj patmandu on my fb … I’ll give him a nudge and see if he fancies divulging anything …. He’s usually on last with the headliner on before … but with baggy Mondays playing that’s confused the order somewhat
  10. hasnt sold out the last couple of years ... seem to remember the same happening last year tbh ... libs very underwhelming for me but nights out with mates are hard to get organised and this one is pencilled into the friends wives calendars and its not just the one band either
  11. Too early to be checking the weather ? Hat is nearly repaired but won’t be a PP edition this time … will drag my Coldplay one out before it joins the hat museum
  12. Might have to wait nearly a month to find out dates for sale … I agree with thingy here … if it were to be oct sale I think we would have known by now
  13. Crazyfool01


    But that isn’t so much time if you are going with a group of mates and have already agreed a max price based on what’s been advertised …. The push for extra means a frantic ring round / text …. Let’s face it I’ve been 30 seconds from timing out on the Glastonbury sale with a price I’ve already known .
  14. Crazyfool01


    Ah so that explains why I lost the holding page to both at the same time
  15. in simple terms it means logging onto see tickets website , refreshing page until the booking page comes up , entering registration details of the people you are buying for , confirming and then paying with the website crashing and failing around you . ~There is a step by step guide on the Glastonbury website of the pages to expect
  16. @Franky this might be of interest above
  17. there was me thinking skip was volunteering to help this group on Tday 🙂
  18. Crazyfool01


    still cant get past the holding page 😞
  19. im involved in one and have no clue on spreadsheets but can help a bit as needed
  20. and register interest on thread
  21. suggest people give details via dm and you form a watts app group once you have someone to help with spreadsheet
  22. That would be me out .... not sure my limit at the moment but its getting closer despite its incredible value compared to todays sh*t show
  23. first thing is you need interested people to join you .... suggest on this thread is fine .... id probably set a limit of number of groups as it can become unmanageable or a cut off date .... people must only be in the spreadsheet group and not cross groups and everyone helping should be signed into helping the groups of 6 .... and not individuals within those . hopefully the deposit is in play as usual so financial risk is lowered
  24. Happy to give some advice fella there’s been several groups on here over the years . First of all you need a couple of people or 1 who are good with organisation and spreadsheets and I’d try and get the groups together as quickly as you are able because payments are easier the more of a tight unit you have
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