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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. queens of stoneage headlining other ? is that out the question ? just had a dm from twitter ... no idea if its trusted or not ... new account with low number of followers
  2. Not me … it’s dental plan if you look at the name badge 🙂
  3. Welcome … we should get something fairly soon … but your guess is probably as good as any 😀
  4. Crazyfool01


    still plenty of time ...its only feb ... things will dry out fine .
  5. Crazyfool01


    A couple more . Glade with no canopy and extensive planting in progress at the woods … lots of ash gone there by the looks of things although the odd one remains .
  6. Crazyfool01


    a couple came from cardiff someone considering a trip from Liverpool seriously but couldn't make it in the end .
  7. Crazyfool01


    great drone footage taken by @JayBalls
  8. Crazyfool01


    Yeah then pyramid and loop like described ….
  9. Crazyfool01


    Lovely walk on the farm today … a little drizzly down there with a few lovely wafts of country air … bumped into Joe rush who a few of us spoke to briefly outside his workshop but was unsurprisingly giving nothing away .. said he liked my hat and had a handshake . Followed by a circuit of the farm past green peace field along past spike then back around through other field and back though the woods to Mary’s gate . Lunch in the crown was lovely and it’s beautifully done up would throughly recommend it
  10. Crazyfool01


    never been in there .... so looking forward to it 🙂 .... shame im driving so cant sample the beer but im sure the diet coke is good 🙂 ....
  11. Crazyfool01


    Just like Glastonbury this with everyone checking the weather apps before a trip to the farm
  12. Definately do at west holts … but not park
  13. Not that posts on efests have any relevance to what people do for employment !!
  14. ** inaccurate info removed*** .... if you see someone wearing a pyramid hat come and say hello ... that'll be me ........ solo camping group usually in Darble just inside gate A
  15. Barryfish 19,450 posts ..... joined 2010 Stevie 21,190 posts joined 2004 wonder who posts the most there ?
  16. I think playing Glastonbury might have had an influence on Rods political leanings of late … interesting to see if that remains …
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