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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Amendments to be voted on … exiting vote stands … various discussion over legitimacy of this . Melvin in attendance on behalf of Gfl from Europe …. Helsinki
  2. Ah fair enough … we all share the same love anyway so it all comes out in time
  3. Not a clue ? Is that some kind of code ?
  4. Except he’s not elsewhere as you put it !!!
  5. Yeah you are right but don’t think anyone’s been shafted here and a proportion of the money is people donating because of a pressing need as much as it is for the tickets
  6. @Gnomicide surely worth a spotters badge
  7. I think the strategy is correct … they have appealed to those that can afford the hospitality versions …. Let’s face it they exist in plentiful supply and they’ve also done one for the less wealthy … if they had chosen 20 pairs of tickets for the raffle instead of 10 they wouldn’t have made more money for the charity so they are splitting their bets in 2 markets
  8. Thanks for this. There will be some non beans talk, several of us will be back from a trip to the farm absolutely everyone welcome to join .... we are a friendly lot 🙂
  9. You can’t just take the viewing platform bit … it’ll come as part of the package and with names on
  10. Just don’t miss out because you are too busy reading the usefull info on here
  11. The post was weirdly curse free for a return to this site … was expecting expletives for post 20,000
  12. Crazyfool01

    Arcadia 2023

    It’s there for me
  13. Surely it is because they have higher costs in terms of staffing and shareholders to satisfy
  14. Current govt is also paying for some of its nhs covid costs / write offs / dodgy dealings amongst that extra funding and paying for the higher costs of private treatment … so it’s not quite all extra funding
  15. Great stuff … but again that funding is coming from somewhere ? The charitable sector is doing an amazing job and lots of heavy lifting for govt … I’m amazed air ambulances are funded by charities lifeboats too …
  16. Yeah of course … staff training and better pay and retention needs to be top of the list
  17. Not at all ? Really ? Ok so it might be a slower route to privatisation and the tories have clearly done significant damage and a large chunk is down to them … Labour is definately the better option in a 2 party system … but under Labour I’m still concerned about that route as I believe the sell off started under Blair … and so far as far as I’m aware starmer hasn’t said that it won’t continue . It is possible to have concerns and still think Labour the slightly less bad option
  18. But that money if put into nhs services and not contracted to private company’s would potentially be cheaper … the issue I guess is that the pay disparity makes the services available privately and not via the nhs as people have left for better pay and conditions in the private sector … all a bit of a roundabout
  19. Just the 422k raised … don’t think anyone expected anything near that … now it’s got to be over a million at the end 🙂 incredible
  20. The route of creeping privatisation and slow break up of the nhs is my biggest concern electorally … I’m happy to pay higher taxes for a working nhs and I’m sure many others would be too if this were explained clearly …. Just need to look at the state of dentistry now to see that creep is never a good thing . I sat in my dentist waiting room last week and they told me they weren’t taking on new patients ( which I knew anyway ) and then they took a phone call and took on a patient privately …. Just utter madness . All these small steps just lead to a general collapse in a few years .
  21. I do have fears over the way the nhs would go under a Labour govt and think that them going strongly against privatisation is a vote winner …. But sadly that route isn’t what they seem to be taking @Ozanne @steviewevie do you not fear for the nhs under Labour and Starmer ?
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