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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. I think i took a look at doing this last time and gave up after failure in the initial scrum .... like you say though loads of chances later on ....
  2. Happy brexit day everyone … shame Labour can’t admit the brexit factor yet … despite nearly every constituency thinking it a mistake …
  3. Gotta be something on the way soon … quite a few announcements have been on feb 1st
  4. So who’s trying tomoro ? Good luck to all hopefully a few shoots of green on both spreadsheets
  5. Quote test … seems ok ? Anyone else experienced issues ?
  6. yeah so tightening this up would help with excess crowds
  7. oxfam previously had wristbands with qr codes that got scanned in and out ... so removed the issues around pass out scams
  8. might have imagined it but wasnt the plan to roll those out to punters too which would aid security ?
  9. I wonder if we might get the workers wristbands rolled out at some point ?
  10. tbh i think it should be coordinated as such ... its getting pretty close now
  11. Fantastic I presume no mention of which day for prodigy ?
  12. There’s really been nothing new ?
  13. Ah well I got the poster of the info wrong was bsr … if I was on there I could have just checked
  14. I thought they’d been in discussions about reforming for a while now ?
  15. Maybe and it’s second hand where I’ve not seen the post as I’m not on there so maybe @JoeyT can confirm ? But his info in the past has been spot on
  16. Mentioned on discord by joeyt I believe
  17. I heard mentions of wizz kid ? Not a clue on that myself … will need to look at some vids
  18. So who’s the current runners and riders ?
  19. Then Braverman then sunak then a general election !!
  20. Another one bites the dust … Braverman next ?
  21. does seem a bit random if it isnt ?
  22. well the groom was pretty good mates with him but the bride said he was having a night off sadly .. so we got a 10 piece band instead 🙂
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