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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Crazyfool01

    BRITs 2023

    Nope … is he there too ?
  2. Crazyfool01

    BRITs 2023

    We have an undercover efester at the awards who will hopefully be feeding me back some juicy info …
  3. the question that needs to be asked is why you kept giving Ivan trousers ?
  4. Does the massage form part of the study or is there more to it ?
  5. keep them for the fitness thread people
  6. A safer area where I think the only real damage was early on to a local airport … can’t remember the name …. Yeah for 76 year olds with own challenges I’m proud of them but do think now they need to get lives back somewhat . Pretty sure they still have air raid sirens and have to shelter regularly though
  7. Hope this makes a difference … the Ukrainians staying with my folks have a tough decision to make … my parents took them on for 1 year and that time ends in may and it’s a nightmare finding accommodation to stay and paying for it . They may go home to the Ukraine as her husband is still there and most of her family too …
  8. Can you ? I thought it was all sit down book in advance jobs from deluxe dinner … think they go on sale fairly early too . I managed to nap someone’s cancellation last time 🙂
  9. Crazyfool01


    Cold and dry , cold and dry … that other stuff has kindly done a runner
  10. And that’s with You gov … does make you wonder how much more there is that hasn’t been revealed yet …
  11. Yeah indeed lots of links there I’d not come across … deleted now
  12. It is indeed although I’m not sure about getting Johnson back in !! Another day another scandal
  13. I’ve no idea if they do … continuing an old discussion surely doesn’t matter it’s the clicking on the links that does … I quite often delete stuff before it gets reported it’s all very weird
  14. How’s the polling looking with these latest Tory scandals … have they sunk any lower in the last few weeks or have they hit a threshold where the voters that remain will vote for them whatever ?
  15. dispensers on the bar are cider ? barells maybe the cider brandy or hot and spicy cider ?
  16. not sure but the bar continues around to the right ... maybe the tankers are for that or there is a tent/bar opposite they supply but they don't back one to that
  17. yeah just checked one some of the overheads round to the left as you look at the bar
  18. cider bus has 2 big tankers parked near it
  19. oxfam places come up very close to the festival .... you do lower chances but if you are switched on enough you should be able to get one ...
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