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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. thanks ...ive ordered some paints so hopefully by the end of the week they should be painted up and installed
  2. Ranges from mid 20s to about 70 … everyone absolutely welcome
  3. Topic locked by myself … have a good weekend all
  4. they are agreeing with you πŸ™‚
  5. "dont ever do a deal at the last min while drinking on a sat night " Harry Rednnap efests jan 2023
  6. stu has 2 hats sadly i only have one to offer
  7. added value if it comes with the crisp thread plus yoghurt on a stick
  8. One in Bristol I think … stormzy was Glastonbury wasn’t he ?
  9. Confirmation …. ? Found In a model shop window by @spg
  10. yep the weather thread is yet to kick off πŸ™‚ but I think this thread is pretty done now in terms of acceptance .... although id love some changes to the rumoured trio ... ive accepted theres buggar all chance of it happening now
  11. great to see this thread has settled down over the last week πŸ™‚
  12. Maybe the discussion should swing to what use the migrants would be for a country where we have mass job vacancies in numerous sectors and the fact these people would be properly taxed … unlike others and contribute to the economy . Let’s hope at some point we get rid of the influence of murdoch !! Needs someone brave to take them on !! Sadly starmer is never going to be that person
  13. cracking early post ... welcome to the forum πŸ™‚
  14. have any other countries got 2 x law breaking PMS in charge ? ( i use that term lightly )
  15. and Sunaks a pharmacist .... bet no-one knew that either ...... Its amazing they produced such utter c**ts as children !!!
  16. So now G n R seem locked in for Monday and we have Elton … who are the other 2 gonna be ? πŸ˜‰
  17. Who’s still in play …. ?
  18. You can see if Jessie j is on instead I guess πŸ˜‚
  19. exhibit A πŸ™‚ .... not keen myself but ....
  20. Must be holding out … was expecting an official announcement today
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