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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. we go down in convoy night before drop the car and the car following picks up the driver and returns
  2. yep very true , depends what you like I guess 🙂
  3. its the outside the fence camping that puts me off tbh ... I like to return to my tent and physically im not sure id manage it with my back issues
  4. last year was the first time I got the bus ... so at the moment we drop the car laiden up with most kit in the carpark tue night and return home .... catch the bus next day and take minimal requirements tent and a light rucksack and go in and set up . then a trip to carpark where we load up bike trailers and rest of the kit and renter ...
  5. parking 50quid divided by passengers ..... ive perfected the entrance now so thats not so bad but definately dont fancy the full queue experience anymore or definately not the overnights . Yeah the facilities are good but the downside is that some of the camping is offsite and the extra walk sort of balances out what you might gain from any shortcuts . One day maybe ill try it as many keep doing it but the options to return to my tent is one of the great things about the not working option 🙂
  6. by Monday im quite keen to get home and have a shower and bed tbh no way I could physically do much longer . Site feels a bit unloved on monday and im not sure how secure things become as the cleanup commences
  7. ticket bun fight a pain but less so if you are organised , nervy but also provides a good buzz if you get tickets and then even better if you sort them for someone else . Cost for me is a ticket plus either bus or parking .... I dont have a huge income so moderate my drinking from bars and take some cans in . you walk a shit load around Glastonbury whatever , shortcuts or not it can be physically demanding ... if you work you obviously need to add the 3x 8hour shifts on to that . The site has plenty of beautiful areas where you can sit back and watch the world go by ( of course minimal inn a wet yet year )
  8. its almost better for an act I dont like to be ridiculously busy .... more room elsewhere to get to the front / space to dance etc .
  9. erm what trials are they Skip ? saying this as an average punter .....the only pain for me is the queue and getting setup . the rest of it is absolute bliss
  10. Back has given up on me … could barely push my picking trolley today and had to come home 😞 hopefully it’ll ease but I think this is gonna be longer term than my usual issues … 😞
  11. If I remember rightly …. You can give login to a few people .. so might be worth a few attempting to help
  12. Well at least we have it pretty well sewn up now and we can make peace or not with it … it will likely be my chance to investigate the temple as hopefully the sec should be quieter at that point … I’m still stoked about Elton . So at least that’s one amazing act in the bag
  13. My basil brush post must have promted the small act gnr to self confirm to up the Spotify streams 😂
  14. Sod gnr … we might have one many have been waiting for ….
  15. Quite interesting to see how they might be penalised for self confirming or letting info slip accidentally … I guess ideally if bands don’t get announced on the poster it’s still better for the festival if they can hold back some of the higher placed acts for the area announcements .. but the potential for leaks grows as these are booked later and as time advances people are more likely to become lose lipped
  16. Would the festival have any control over who self confirms and who doesn’t ?
  17. Hopefully this is the start of the floodgates openning 🙂 I do wonder what the criteria are for self confirms … why do some do it and not others ?
  18. Sorting out some 3D printing for some rockets … it’s all got a bit technical courtesy @squirrelarmy
  19. I was neither shiny or happy person after
  20. I’d also probably pay over £100 for a reformed REM sadly the time I saw them on the farm I have limited /no memory of …
  21. £100 ish for my first and possibly only stadium gig in Cardiff in the summer … Coldplay
  22. would be crazy if he made it ..... crazy
  23. As an Honary Somerset resident I’m surprised that’s not set as a default channel 🙂
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