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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. throwing the kitchen sink at this isnt going to make it happen
  2. just someone not listening and presumably on the windup
  3. Yeah I had to approve that 🙂
  4. how long until we get all the upcoming bands creating names beginning with A 🙂
  5. great shout that @Neil id imagine being in water will help support too ... apparently excercise in water is very good
  6. Let’s hope the strikes get sorted and people get those rises … really didn’t think this would still not be resolved 6 months on … although it did seem the festivals plans didn’t helped mitigate much of the chaos
  7. Crazyfool01

    BRITs 2023

    If only we had someone at the event !! Anyone ever been ?
  8. well i have been swimming 100 lengths once per week so shouldn't be too much of a challenge .... but some motivation there . never seemed to really help my back though must be my lack of style 🙂
  9. Please no … people would then complain of overcrowding of stones
  10. We need some dry days now …. The Somerset levels are under water ( they are designed to be 😀)
  11. Random fact I was a fishmonger for about 10years 🙂
  12. Fish trading in the stone circle is a new one to me …seems like the wrong plaice to be doing that
  13. Im blocking no one just attempting to get the thread back on track
  14. Sort of setting up a hedge fund then ?
  15. Just seem a bit pissed off with admin of late …. I’m trying to get topic back on track so hopefully you can help with that
  16. Are you being held here against your will ? Clearly this place is pissing you off so much it’s not doing you good ? All social media has faults . You’ve been here a while so must like the site mostly
  17. ill be in my usual spot of just outside the JP field on the drag from gate A, pending a reasonably timed bus on the wed ..... Got it booked early so im optimistic , upsides not ridiculous cramped and I like that side of the site quick walk in from gate A and not a long stroll to pointed one , downsides food vendors not incredible .... if your camped in that neck of the WOODS and see me feel free to pop into camp for a cider 🙂
  18. I’m going to aim for somewhere as far from headliner thread as possible … things may change
  19. Not by me you didn’t !!! And at no point have I agreed with those comments
  20. from what I read I think they had to do it ... limited times they can keep applying ?
  21. you really don't .... its had me groening
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