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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Ah anyway … Elton will his Setlist be similar to that dodgers stadium one ? Does he change things up much … more than happy to stick on that …
  2. Yep was in terms and conditions definately but I think available for a month or so after the final draw last year , I forgot unfortunately.
  3. Surely you know that social media criticism makes absolutely no difference to them ? It happens whoever we get
  4. 2 or 3 I think … @Gnomicide had one on twitter I think
  5. Ok so now standards have been kept high is it possible to move on and accept some people might like them ?
  6. Greatest of respect neil but we hear you loud and clear … would be pretty dull if we all liked the same stuff wouldn’t it ? Clearly you don’t like GnR but as someone who’s run a festival website for umpteen years you understand this .
  7. i think your feelings are pretty clear at this point .... 🙂 im not overly keen but it doesnt really matter in the scheme of things and the number of pyramid acts ive seen over the years ...
  8. did we not have someone who said they knew ? but said it was someone we had not yet discussed although manny pages have passed since .... or am i imagining it ?
  9. One … singular ? as in solo artist
  10. they dont really reply much .... but do provide a buzz
  11. but my point is it could still be great if it wasnt outsourced . what does outsourcing it actually gain ?
  12. fantastic the job they do but surely this should be provided under nhs / social care rather than a charity relied on .... probably im living in cloud cuckoo land though . sort of feels a bit like the food bank situation and the work they do
  13. ok so the outsourcing is to companies who have taken staff from the NHS , through better pay and conditions .... they will then charge that back to the nhs ? just seems like its slow breakup ...
  14. both seem to want to sell it off bit by bit .... all this outsourcing means payments to shareholders and increased costs ?
  15. can someone explain the difference between the Tory and Labour plans for the NHS ? both look like privatisation to me ... genuinely no idea
  16. I think she will be Missing from the line-up
  17. Ha no …. Scratched my leg on way in … got infected and I could barely stand … spent 1 week in hospital on a drip … gutted I had to watch the Sunday on tv 😞
  18. I had to leave site in an ambulance after spent the set sat down at back of field … nowt to do with the stones though !!
  19. Setlist is pretty much all songs I know and I’m more of a casual listener to music than most on here … I think it’ll be my most known headliner ever it’s gonna be an absolute blast with everyone singing along …
  20. We will have cracked 1000 pages by the end of the weekend at this rate 🙂
  21. @bennyhana22 nice to have you back 🙂
  22. Crazyfool01


    Yep he’s not banned … definately ip … I’ll message him
  23. Elton at Live 8 hyde park( will be there im sure ) ... although memory is pretty poor ..... AMs twice at Glastonbury( probably not ) ..... GNR never ( no intention )
  24. absolutely this ... this forum is full of absolutely amazing people .... hopefully we can get back to showing that !!!
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