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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. that's dependant on the number of posts you have made ....
  2. Maybe it’s best just left … no winners here ?!!
  3. you seemed to bump into me a few times last year 🙂 .... was mostly wandering on my own ... think i saw all the headiners on my own last time . is fine 🙂
  4. Far too many sound bites for me … but they all do it these days . Let’s see if / when they get in power what they deliver
  5. Pyramid hat cam TM has arrived now just need to work out how to secure it
  6. Some people would never pay the price of individual acts just the same for others … I’ve not paid to see any of the legends over the years … that doesn’t stop me going … it encourages me
  7. Disagree … they’ve clearly got some fans on here … not for you me and several others but that’s much like any other year
  8. It’s pretty marmite like … quite a split forum I’d say
  9. I wonder if more acceptance of the headliners rough blokes plus Neil’s added info might make an announcement more likely … obviously all the other media will soon be on to it within a few hours
  10. Did you read my post … ? How about not liking headliners and accessibility combined . I’m out
  11. No but the value is reduced if you’ve seen many many big acts over the years and the pyramid has nothing on that you want to see in terms of big hitters … you can’t just scoot off to another stage like many of us are able . It’s bloody hard work physically for able bodied so that’s amplified many times over
  12. If you are still referring to neil … I presume you also saw the post about accessibility needs …
  13. Be careful when peeling it … I’ve known several damage it so the code isn’t recognisable
  14. As long as it’s not them against Elton …
  15. Crazyfool01

    Adverts on here

    You must have my login 🙂
  16. Crazyfool01

    Adverts on here

    holidays , investments and vacuum cleaners .... definately dodgy as i cant afford any of this stuff at the moment
  17. The exact reason i set this thread up … I remember feeling pretty dispondant initially after failure but actually the chances are pretty decent if you can hang on in there . There are also opportunity’s with work and competitions … not for everyone but some on those sheets can be ticked off this way and then the help is there come Resale time .
  18. Unfortunately it gives advantage to those who plan the sales in military fashion … fortunately this time we did and got them … the festival needs newbies or it will just die . It’s unfortunate for vets but that’s how things are … still humans with 2 arms and 2 legs ( mostly )
  19. Crazyfool01


    theres something in the bushes on the left as you head up the trackway towards the green futures entrance ... not sure if its this or not ? or is it any angel ?
  20. I put it on the old thread by mistake but if anyone has a recent go pro kicking about in a draw somewhere they aren’t using and want to sell I’d like to fit one to my hat . edit scrap that ive purchased a cheap version one ... might attempt a vlog in June
  21. A man can dream … they will stay there forever 🙂 . Hopefully a slot on the farm next year though 🙂 still a space in the not announced schedules 🙂
  22. I think covid had quite an impact on the number / quality of food stalls and also issues with staffing them
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