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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Quite niche but I’ve just seen this for any poets out there
  2. and don't forget the cheese 🙂
  3. Long thread on that damn nhs !!!
  4. you certainly also make friends ... and get potential help for future sales
  5. Adds a bit of interest today 🙂
  6. Ah yeah fair 🙂 I’d have trusted this person more than the Harry bit tbh but timing seemed too early hence my PP punt as a bit of a smaller warm up
  7. I’d also heard that but thought it too early so went with Pilton party !! 😂 I’d also heard Harry though so one is wrong 🙂
  8. We didn’t have as we had been chatting for months but that’s the case on the spreadsheet I’ve seen yep
  9. Last time the volunteers to help the spreadsheet got put into a hat and then drawn out to help a particular team
  10. What is ‘more news ? ‘ what is ‘soon ‘ ? And will it mess up the thingy ?
  11. last time we got 71 from 73 on our spreadsheet , personally im 2 from 2 in resales
  12. ok to give some hope to people planning on trying for the resale , what is your success rate ? or did you not try after main sale ?
  13. Keep the faith start getting helpers together if you can . The resale is about the hardcore many will have given up and made plans to do other things
  14. Stick with it guys … start building up helpers if you can early … and if you can try and tie them to helping the whole team on the spreadsheet … try not to overthink the numbers back in the pot if you can . You’ll make some friends for life if you get peoples tickets . Any volunteers to help should hopefully start making themselves known on here
  15. I think anyone with any intelligence can think of ways for businesses they work in improving .... that doesnt mean those businesses should cease to exist ... it means they should use the strengths they have and build from that . The important part is properly funding it so staff dont feel they would be better working for agencies and funding social care and that also means pay so staff are retained . I think someone posted a while back that before the torys came to power 12 years ago waiting lists being low and they've been on an upward trend ever since . No chance of getting an NHS dentist these days ... pretty sure thats not the fault of any individual dentist ... its the route to privatisation
  16. 71 out of 73 tickets purchased in last resale … keep the faith resale people
  17. i think we say this every year but dont have anything measurable ?
  18. good listen that ... although personally I feel like the ticket hike is purely inflationary plus a little to build the coffers back up .
  19. first time ever on the barrier for PSBS and pretty much Macca ... not sure I will go to those efforts again ... quite like a bit of space around me and a drink in my hand .... getting the right balance is a bit of an art though im yet to perfect 🙂
  20. ok so im thinking of adding a go pro on top of my hat ? anyone used these ? .... i presume its similar to iPhones in that they get progressively better as you go up the models .... any level I shouldn't go below ? any other advice welcome ffs im now posting in the wrong thread 😞
  21. Crazyfool01

    Happy New year

    Snap I’ve had it for 2 weeks now so had an early night 😞 … hope you shift it soon ..
  22. Crazyfool01

    Happy New year

    Here’s to a happier 2023 on efests … remember be kind , you don’t know what’s happening in peoples lives outside of here . This is a lovely corner of the internet let’s keep it that way .
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