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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. is it known for definite that any headliners have requested their subs ? let alone dropping further down the lineup ?
  2. yeah of course ... they could equally be announced ... gives us something to look forward to 🙂
  3. I guess some might have it as part of negotiations 🙂
  4. I meant apart from that 🙂 .... checks thingy to see what anounncements we have had after Christmas and the closest one weve had 🙂 earliest post christmas annoucement on thingy Jay Z on feb 1st in 08 .
  5. ok so if the Arctic Monkeys are booked , they should be the next announcement ? any reason why they might be held back ?
  6. Crazyfool01

    Maxi Jazz RIP

    Fuck 😞 RIP Maxi .... my first ever pyramid headliner
  7. All done for work now … hopefully forum is a bit more settled now … wishing you all a merry Christmas , special shout out to the strikers and shift workers many of whom don’t get the opportunity to have a Christmas with family . Much love to all CF
  8. Crazyfool01

    Brixton Crush

    Talking to my friend recently his band would rather go slightly smaller on the venues so as to sell them out and create more hype … sometimes venue sizes aren’t available to fit the size the band has got to …
  9. you know the traitors at the particular moment ... they do change somewhat but knowing them really in my opinion ruins nothing it makes how they interact more interesting .
  10. They’ve not been asked according to the spice girls … in several interviews one of them on the one show … unless it’s a massive diversion it’s not hAppenning or they’ve been asked since
  11. no .. it just says i dont know 🙂
  12. anyone any guesses on this ? im stumped
  13. Not sure where to go with this … but what about the Elton confirm seems a decent starter
  14. ive no horses in any races ... was told it was harry which is still possible with AM sat .... challenge away 🙂 .... They also had Elton correct for sunday ..... again it looks like it will be rough blokes suggestion is correct ... ive no idea on my source reliability but it fits just about still . so im happy to stick with it as an outside chance at the moment
  15. i dont need to disprove anyone is booked if I find a credible alternative ..... you also dont need to prove anyone is booked but it obviously helps
  16. I would hope that those with any experience of headliner threads haven't entirely closed things off in December to keep exploring whats available ...... or what might become available
  17. ah maybe ... if thats the case fair enough ... wasnt how it was intended as you can hopefully now see
  18. I wonder who would have been listening that felt the need to complain … utter madness
  19. yes absolutely and i alluded to that earlier .... I like to see good discussion and thats where we are until things get fully confirmed . it is the best info we have , no doubt of that ... doesnt mean discussion should stop ... the importance is that people feel free to suggest or DM info because as we know things do change
  20. is that it for AM ... is there anything that might get announced in that gap before Glastonbury ? if they play friday its still the longest gap i can see on the tour ?
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