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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Yeah it’ll be the dj slot they pulled out of last year
  2. Just the lull before it arrives. It’s fairly standard to get some downtime … especially since there seems to be an air of inevitability at the moment … I’m hoping for a spanner to get thrown in to liven things up …
  3. Crazyfool01

    Brixton Crush

    Was thinking a bit ref the above … maybe it’s not worth the threads with people gaining unauthorised access to the fest ?
  4. A photo of the quality of glastonmichelle .. happy solstice and hopefully some positives as the days get longer
  5. Yeah that’s next level commitment 🙂
  6. How far back ? I guess at some point the queues were minimal … although I can’t remember when it all changed ?
  7. Scenes … I hate the dark days of winter so things are definitely on the up from here … once I shake this illness . Has anyone on here been one of the first punters through the gates as they swing open ?
  8. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    Stereo gum seems weirdly appropriate:)
  9. Crazyfool01

    Brixton Crush

    exactly this and why im confident Glastonbury have addressed the issue and will do with further issues .... we had a massive thread on it
  10. Crazyfool01

    Brixton Crush

    Haven’t Glastonbury already responded ref crowd management at last years festival .
  11. i will just look up what category they fall in when being responded to by an emergency ambulance
  12. wow .. theres a massive difference ... and yeah its also shit you couldn't get a gp appointment . meanwhile i dont know if a colleague is alive so please have a think abut context when replying
  13. are you really that lacking in empathy to have typed those words
  14. Hopefully he fucks off .. twitter is awfull at the moment
  15. Had some first hand experience of nhs problems today … a colleague had a suspected stroke which apparently would be a category 2 call … the ambulance wait time was 2 hours … we had no first aider at work today ( not sure the rules on that ) they put out a tannoy and fortunately one of the customers had medical training … they were then driven to a and e by car 😞
  16. did they give a reason ? was just dropped on people at short notice wasn't it ? edit must read earlier posts properly
  17. He also had his other stage headline slot cancelled
  18. Fuck me that’s some balls from Messi
  19. Might be a few delays on supper , it’s all your fault 🙂
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